North (formerly West oze %:%l4 i - · ,i $ GuildØ - 4 -. JuIy2oo7 Page 12, ` `3 Iub5" data base and from that be able to get up-to-theOn the Guild website, we use the software to manage our member nce, and to generate the Roster of members in the second mailing and distribution lists, keep track of meeting attenda ation about art, artists and exhibitions. Once fall. The site is designed to be viewed by the public so they first see inform les and recent additions include: members log in, they see a lot more internal information. Some examp o o ation A member Roster, with all the new members, and the latest contact inform tions and processes, jury guidelines A section on Information for Members (past newsletters, board job descrip and forms, artist website reference manuals, etc,) - o drop off and pick up, as well as a There is a new section on upcoming shows including times and dates for that you can more easily arrange to Roster for the "sitters" so you can see where there are open times and so swap with others if you need to. -- o about the next one or There is also a new section on Workshops. There is the schedule for the year and details ops if there is two workshops coming up. Note that we are open to having non-members attend our worksh room, so you can point non-members to this workshop section. you can easily prepare Any member can use the software to store and easily use art related contacts so ation for Members inform the are in Details etc. pes, customized mailings, postcards, labels, e-mails, envelo section of the website. o rs informed in the format We will continue to use the combination of the website and the newsletter to keep all membe nal information on the additio some be should there think that they choose or is most useful. Let me know if you ichuk Achtem Larry al. materi t the website, or if you see errors or have suggestions on how to presen C(assjfietfi4ifs PAINT TUSCANY ART TOUR Paint en plein air in Tuscany with Ursula Medley Sept.12 22, 2007 $3300 -- > optional Venice tour: VENICE WITH A VENETIAN Sept. 22 26, 2007 For details please visit -- to book your space contact Vivica Watson at Powell River Cruise Travel Ltd. BC reg. 31745 Cruise-travel(ã - - -- --`-` z `- ---- )nnouncements g for an illustrator (children's books etc.) who Wild at Art, an art festival to be held in Squamish in March 2008, is lookin t Judy McQuinn 1 604 898-5902. Mention would like to work with them on a child related theme. Please contac NSAG and Wanda Doyle's name. seemed fitting to write a short history to Since this is the 60th Anniversary of the North Shore Artist's Guild, it contributed so much to the Guild over the acknowledge the great efforts of the founders and the members who have years. many files in the archives, but also many The History is now complete. It contains not only information from the pictures of the founder, Mrs. Laurie, and of remembrances of older and newer members of the Guild. It also contains various events that have taken place over the years. g and binding is $12.00. Members may order The History is approximately 32 pages and is coil bound. The cost of printin a copy by phoning Frieda Ashworth at 604-985 8498. 6Otki4nniversaty !Jfistoiy (Project