5860 . Kay Cole TD Interest WORKSHOPS -785.30 6730.52 -785.30 9,682.23 0.00 -2,951.71 Total 5800 Total Expense 27,832.68 32,522.71 -4,690.03 Excess of Revenue over Expenditures -1,115.67 -1,947.11 831.44 11:09 AM 06/08107 Accrual Basis North Shore Artists GuHd Balance Sheet As of May 31, 2007 May 31,07 ASSETS Current Assets Chequing/Savings 1010 `Bank 1020' Term Deposits 1030 Term Deposit `A" WVSC 1035'Term Deposit "E" -WVSC 1055' Term Deposit Kay Cole Bequest 1060 `Trm Dep.- Binky Cannon Bequest ` `1,036.33 10,0:36.79 - 6,589.80 22,.'137.15 - 5.000,00 44,063.74 48.10007 Total 1020' Term Deposits Total Chequing/Savings Total Current Assets Fixed Assets 1410' Computer 1415' Accum. Depreciation -Computer 1430 `Projector & Equipment 1435' Accumulated Deprn Proj/Equip - 48,10007 2,362.75 1,754.93 2,871.62 -1,303.12 2,176.32 50276.39 Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current I_iabilities 2230 Accrued Lial)llies 2240 PST Payable 2300' Prepaid Memberships ` 201) 01) 220.50 3.885 00 `1,305 50 4,305.50 4,305 50 20,000 00 Total Other Current Liabilities Total Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity 2400 `Bequest- Kay Cole 2405' Binky Cannon Bequest 2420 Undistribtited Interest Income 3900 Surplus (Retained Earnings) Net Income ` 5,000.00 2 `137.15 19.1)49.41 .111567 `15,97089 50,276.39 Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY We6site J4dministrator Rcport The software on which our website is run has the unique and innovative ability to have non-techies (like artists) with modest computer skills create and maintain their own personal artist websites. We just added 5 new artist websites in the past couple of weeks to bring our total to over 60 websites. I can hold workshops for people wanting to create their own websites when the demand is there just let me know. We have also done "refreshers" for people who have sites today. -- If you feel your computer skills with images are not up to scratch, I have made an arrangement with Karen at Wiz Zone Computer Training in North Vancouver to hold tutorials for the things that artists can benefit from. If you would like a website but do not want to go through the process, it is possible to have some one do this for you, for a cost.