North S nrA4 rtits Wuzinr (formrIy C1u4 · · ., JiiIy, 2Q01 Pge 8 ..; 4 4 Gordon Davis has several paintings displayed at the Seymour Art Gallery at the Quay, North Vancouver Lucy Collings wifi have 5 paintings on exhibit in the Western Art Show during the Calgary Stampede, July 6 - 15. ? ` On the Hoof - Lucy Collings Annual Publicity Report June 19, 2007 My first term in the position of Publicity Director has been a learning experience. The biggest job has been to collect and record as many media people, and publications, that would welcome any and all news about our Guild. Then to make contact with the news people who would come to our shows with their cameras, to take pictures at our Openings to further our exposure in the local newspapers. A list of Public Officials from Civic, and Provincial Governments was added to be invited for special occasions. Isabel Somerton joined me to take charge of "The Banner" that we hang from the overpass at Park Royal to advertise our Art Shows. She also distributes posters across the North Shore. Marguerite Mahy also joined me to produce the posters that appear on the Blue Buses, and in strategic places across the North Shore. Through the Publicity Report, I have been able to forward on news of member's art shows to help them in making their name in the Art World. I want to thank all members of the Guild for the help that I have received to do the best that we can to publicize the Guild through suggestions, and of providing other media outlets that are constantly coming up. I have appreciated it very much. Looking forward to my second term and hoping that someone out there will be ready to take over this position when my term is over. It can be very gratifying. -- `Tlice4?resiient cEditfi Warner 604-980-5358 As well as the regular production of the newsletter, my efforts this year have been focused on the changes in the jurying system to allow for electronic submission of entries and for the ability to jury for 3 shows rather than the usual 2. We have seen our electronic version of the newsletter expand to 125 members which is a great help. This term ends my many years of serving on the Board. It has been a time of much change and challenge and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I would highly recommend such service to any and all of you as a way to learn more about the Guild, meet lots of other artists and receive maximum benefit from the organization. Next year I will be taking on the role of jury co-ordinator and look forward to the challenges and opportunities of that function. Thinking of the Vice President's role for the future, I would recommend that we separate the newsletter editor function out as a separate task (which we will do this coming year) and allow the Vice President to focus on a more key role in special projects and exhibitions. Thank you to all those who have been so supportive and helpful during my time on the Board. I'm grateful to you all! Past Presitfent Lorne `Topfiam 604-922-7255 On November 18 2006 I attended the Sea to Sky Cultural Affiance Conference in Squamish. The day long conference examined the cultural objectives of the communities along the corridor to determine a strategy and list the opportunities and actions that would carry us forward for the next few years leading up to the 2010 Olympics. The result was an endorsement of the creation of the Alliance and the creation of a vision of how the corridor's uniqueness could enhance the Arts and Culture of the communities along its length. It was decided to try and make it a yearly event. This would help bring the commimities together in a co-operative spirit to advance the Arts.