North Shore Artists' Guild (fonrierly West Vancouver Sketch Club) December 2007 Page 10 Minutes of Meeting Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Aifonso Tejada called the meeting to order and welcomed the members. · · ·1i1 :9 2 ,k--.-3: 8 6 5 The Minutes of the October meeting were adopted as circulated in the previous newsletter. Jennifer Tumier motioned motioned, Edith Warner seconded. Carried. Alfonso thanked all who worked on the Fine Art Show and made it such a success. Jacquie Manning as Vice President chaired the meeting from this point on. Directors Reports Past President Larry is away - President Alfonso had to leave the meeting early Treasurer Victor Exhibitions · Heather advised the membership about the opportunity of putting paintings in a large room at Park Royal up to 20 can be accommodated. This is the community room which is used for meetings and community events. They want pictures on a 6 month basis. She mentioned she would have a sign up sheet at the break for members to indicate their interest in displaying at this location. 9th, 2008 and Harmony Arts Festival in the · Upcoming shows are Ferry Building Oct. 7 1 summer. · Heather distributed some cards and invitations left behind at Harmony Arts. Education June Harman no report Workshops Jeri Canderan · This weekend, Nancy O'Toole workshop is full. · Next workshop Mike Svob, deadline is today, there is now a waitlist. You must pay today or lose your spot. Workshop title is Design & Technique with acrylic. Supply list is at the back at the break. · Tony O'Regan workshop is scheduled for Feb. 22/29, deadline is Jan. 15th meeting. · Kiff Holland workshop on March 29/30 is full with a waitlist. Deadline is also Jan. 15th. · Membership Wanda Doyle 11 new members tonight introduced Warida. She also reminded members to pick up their new roster. · Publicity Florence Allardice is unable to be here tonight. · Corresponding Secretary Nell Turner nothing to report. Jacquie welcomed her back after her surgery. · Vice President Jacquie Manning reminded members and executive to get their reports into the newsletter by Friday of this week. -- - - - - - - - - - - - Yuletide Celebration Helen Ott · This year wifi be a pot luck. Please bring a small dish, appetizers, cookies, cake, whatever all finger food. Tickets will be $7.00 and include wine, tea, coffee, door prizes and rental of the hall. Tickets are on sale at the break or at the door. Helen asked for helpers in the kitchen and for clean up afterwards and asked people to let her know if they wifi attend. Date is December Wednesday Dec. 12th, 6:00 PM in the hail upstairs at St. Stephens. - · For entertainment, Kiff Holland wifi attend and give a talk. There wifi be no gift exchange this year, but there will be door prizes. Annual Fine Art Show Reports Project Manager by Larry read by Jacquie Manning. Treasurer Victor Smith he pointed out that this was our first Visa/Mastercard experience and it resulted in 85% of the sales being done via credit card. Overall we covered all expenses and made some monies to go to other guild projects. Sales Wanda Doyle reviewed sales procedures and mentioned the policy for after show sales. -