North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) November 2007 Page 5 Minutes of Meeting Tuesday, October 16, 2007 · a Alfonso greeted the membership. James Elton motioned to approve the minutes from last month's meeting. Carried. Norma Blarin was presented with the People's Choice Award from the Harmony Arts Festival. Heather Luccock Exhibitions - · · o Heather asked those who still haven't paid for their hanging fees from the HAF to come and see her at break to pay what they owe. o Heather asked for volunteers to man the floor during the day of our Fine Arts Sale. She is going to put a signup sheet on the board so that members can volunteer for this job, which entails security, answering questions, directing people to the raffle, and to assist in the sale of the paintings. We don't want people removing paintings from the easels or panels on their own. We need to help them and escort them to the sales desk. Heather needs at least six people per shift (morning and afternoon). o A member asked why we aren't using tethers. Edith explained that due to the number of paintings involved there isn't enough time to attach them. Edith also spoke to members about registration deadline October 27th. There is still room for more paintings. Once registered, you will receive an instruction sheet, which describes where and when to pick up/drop off, and labels will also be included. - · Carol Wilson told members that postcards and/or posters are available at the back. Pre-printed postcards can be mailed to those who want them. Posters can be put up in public places and apartment buildings, etc. Frieda spoke to members about the upcoming Andrew McDermott workshop. The supply list had changed somewhat, so please pick up a new supply list from the back desk. Jacquie described the raffle that wifi be taking place in conjunction with the Fine Arts Show. Three paintings, Opus gift certificate, Raven Pub certificate, and a membership to the Seymour Art Gallery will be raffled off. More volunteers are needed to sell raffle tickets at Cap mall Oct 19, 20, 21, and at Lynn Valley Mall on Oct 27. Books of tickets are available for members to sell to friends and family. Florence showed members the poster we have available. Isabel and Marguerite are hanging posters in public places, but Florence encouraged members who live in apartment buildings to take one to hang in their lobby. There are also bookmarks available for publicity purposes. Jacquie informed members that Nell Turner has had a second hip replacement and is convalescing at her son's on the Sunshine Coast. June Harman will be doing tonight's demo; "Expressive Line in Graphite", combining line with paint and ink. Meeting Adjourned. · · · · · ·