North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) October2007 Page 2 Edith Warner 604-980-5358 Jurying Due to the Fine Arts Sale and Exhibition we will not be having a jury this fall, but will hold one in the early spring. Fine Art Sale Registration/jurying Registrations are coming in quickly for this great event don't miss your chance. We already have 273 paintings registered! You don't have to know the titles, etc. of your paintings to register, just send me your fees and I will hold a spot for you. It would help greatly if you register early to spread the workload over a longer time, Registration is $15 per artist and $4 per painting for a measly $43 dollars you can enter 7 paintings! See the info in the previous newsletter, on the website or don't hesitate to call me. There will also be a registration table at the next meeting. Those who have registered completely with painting titles and money wifi soon receive their receipts and further instructions re delivery, etc. Registration must be complete and paid by October 27. - Education - June Harman 604- 926-0875 Demo for October 16th meeting Expressive Drawing Techniques There is more and more interest in drawing as a finished art form or in combination with painting. June Harman will demonstrate some ways to bring the expressive line into your artworks. Workshops Jeri Canderan 604-984-9300 Hi Everyone, We had a fabulous workshop by Anita Nairne on Sept. 22/23. Everyone was excited about her new way of creating art. Anita was supportive and encouraging throughout the weekend and we all came away from the workshop more creative painters! The next workshop is on October 20/21 at Klee Wyck from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Andrew McDermott will give students a step by step approach for painting with pastels. Listed below is an update of the upcoming workshops. If you wish to register, contact me at the above e-mail address or phone number. Please pay by the deadline or your spot will go to the next person on the wait list. Workshops for 2007/2008 1. ANITA NAIRNE Sept. 22/23 at Klee Wyck This was a huge success!! - 2. ANDREW McDermott Dynamic Pastels Oct. 20/21 at Klee Wyck OPEN $65 Deadline for payment is Oct. 16th meeting Have fun and learn a step by step approach to build up a pastel painting using rich colours. - 3. NANCY O'TOOLE - Florals and Landscapes in Acrylics Nov. 24/25 at Klee Wyck WAIT LIST $65 Deadline for payment is Oct 16th meeting Using a dynamic palette create beautiful paintings with Nancy's techniques and tips - 4. MIKE SVOB Title TBA Jan. 19/20 at Klee Wyck WAIT LIST $85 Deadline for payment is Nov. 20th meeting Mike's website is - 5. TONY O'REGAN Portraits Feb. 22/29 two Fridays at Klee Wyck OPEN $65 Deadline for payment is Tan. 15th meeting Some of Tony's work can be viewed at ArtCentro - - 6. KIFF HOLLAND Still Life in Watercolours March 29/30 at Klee Wyck WAIT LIST $90 Deadline for payment is Tan. 15th meeting You can see Kiff Holland's work at Harrison Galleries - 7. TBA April 19/20 8. TBA May 24/25