Newsletter October, 2007 :. üL t Noith Shore Artists' Guild onneriy West Vancouver Sketch Club) RO. Box91051 West Vancouver, B.C. V7V3N3 Seiving VisiaI Artists from Furiy Creek to Deep Cove since 1947 ( t S !. r Next Meeting: f Tuesday, Oct. 16,7--9:30 PM St. Stephen's Church Hall, 885 -- 22nd Street West, West Vancouver, BC NORTH SHORE ARTISTS GUILD President I Alfonso Tejada 604-988-4801 There is no report from Alfonso this month as he is away in Venice. Vice-President Jacquie Manning 604-980-8907 Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a great summer and are looking forward to painting, participating in demos by terrific artists and our first ever, non-juried, largest exhibition in the history of our club; probably the biggest show of original paintings to be exhibited under one roof on the North Shore to date. Unfortunately (for us, but probably not for him!) our president, Alfonso Tejada, is away painting in Venice and won't be with us until next month. I'm sure we'll hear some interesting tales of his journey on his return. The latest excitement in the club is our upcoming big "Annual Fine Art Sale" on November 10th. The committee has been working all summer and is now ready and at the point of knowing how many volunteers will be required to pull off a happy and hopefully, lucrative event. Read on in the newsletter for details of how you can become involved in the process. This year we are planning on shortening the duration of our business meetings by having our Directors give verbal reports only if they have news that members need to know before the next newsletter is out. This will allow more time to be spent on discussions and socializing. We wifi also try to cut down on the verbiage in the newsletter so you're not faced with reading a small book each month! I'm looking forward with anticipation to the next year and invite you to call me, or any of the board members and committee heads with your concerns or questions. Newsletter Nancy Dean 604-922-2809 As I am the new Newsletter Editor, please contact me via email or telephone by the Friday morning following our monthly meetings, if you would like anything included in the Newsletter. Exhibitions Heather Luccock 604- -985-6570 Harmony Arts Festival Exhibition During the Harmony Arts Festival exhibition we did not collect a hanging fee on site for the spare paintings that were brought in. Thank you to those who paid the hanging fee at the general meeting last Tuesday. For those who have not yet paid, there will be an opportunity to pay at the October meeting. Because of the difficulties we had around sale of paintings and the replacement paintings, I am not complçtely sure who did bring in spares. I thank you in advance for getting the fees paid.