North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) October2007 Page 8 show will likely have 700 paintings, a one day event. We have our 15 panels, 15 refurbished panels, 160 desktop easels, and 15 borrowed panels to accommodate all these paintings. This is an unjuried show. Larry encouraged members to bring in paintings that have been juried (and accepted) in the past that have not sold. Postcards will be made available at the next meeting. Members expressed the desire that these postcards be printed on one side only. Members should consider sending postcards to those people who voted for their paintings in prior shows. Larry is hoping that more than 3000 people will attend this event. Members questioned parking. The Parkgate Community Centre has quite a bit of parking as it is behind a large shopping centre. All regular show criteria need to be adhered to regarding framing, size, etc. No prints or reproductions are allowed. No restriction on prices ($300-600 is the average from past shows). Paintings should have been done within the past three years. Members need to be present for the setup process. The three meeting minimum attendance needs to be met. 15% commission will be charged. VISA/MasterCard will be accepted at the show and future shows. Volunteers Wanda A volunteer sheet is being passed around the room so that members can sign up. Jobs are varied in involvement and time frame. Another opportunity to sign up will take place in the upcoming newsletter, -- Any roster information that needs updating needs to be done tonight as the Roster is going to the printers by the end of September. Raffle Sales Barb Matthews A raffle will take place to defer some of our show expenses. Lucy Collings, Barrie Chadwick and Robert McMurray have donated paintings. Opus gift certificate and restaurant gift certificates will be available as prizes. Barbara would like members to take tickets home to pre-sell. - Registration Edith Warner Edith is taking registrations tonight at break. It will cost $43 for seven paintings, $39 for six, etc. Further instructions and labels will be received in the mail. Paintings will be dropped off on the Friday night and picked up on Saturday after the show. Edith encouraged members to leave quickly at the end of the show as there is not much time allotted for cleanup. Criteria, show information and registration information will be reiterated in the upcoming newsletter. Registration can take place via email, snail mail, or in person at this meeting. Members are encouraged to volunteer during the show, but they are not required to stay for the duration of the show. Tether straps will not be used in this show to make setup and takedown easier. Paintings will be given to the customers as soon as the sale is made. - · Further Business? Larry discussed increased use of Klee Wyck. He encouraged members to sign up for studio painting at Klee Wyck. If 10-12 members sign up, this studio painting time will be made available. First Friday shows were also discussed further. Larry related to the members the fact that people are often looking for artists to do commissions. He encouraged members to let hini know if they accept commissions so that he can include their names in a special area on our club website. Ursula Vondette has her painting bags available for sale again at the break. Jim Foreman and Rene Gourlay are involved in a critique group on the 7:45. Jim extended the invitation to members to join his critique group. 3rd Sunday of each month, WV Arts and Culture have roOm in their art programs (life drawing, open studio, portraiture, etc) and encourage members to sign up for these programs. · · Move to dismiss. Jane St. John motioned. Heather Luccock seconded. Carried. Break and Demo .1