North Shore Artists' Guild (`fQrrn9fJJYst `a,qaq[ SetchQju) iii. `Jufr 2007 Rage % Edith discussed the selection process which is undertaken for the various shows. Selection of paintings for shows is done by the computer. One painting per artist is allowed in a gallery show, two or more can be shown at a mall show. The list of jury results will be available at the break tonight. If photographs of paintings were taken by Larry and a copy is desired, please contact Larry. Edith thanked Heather Luccock for her help with the jurying. iv. v. b. Larry updated Frieda's progress on the History Project. Some photos were posted on the board and Larry asked members to look at them and identify unknown members. Members were also invited to review the material and adding memories or anecdotes of their own. Capilano Mall Show and Reception -- c. Al Spence th 28 Paintings are to be brought to Cap Mall at 9:30 am Monday, May ii. d. Workshops 6 volunteers are needed to greet guests at the reception. Please see Al Spence to offer assistance. -- Barbara Ohi Tonight is the last night to sign up for Dana's workshop. Barbara outlined this workshop for the members. ii. e. On June 16 and 17, Dean Croft will do an acrylic workshop break or by phoning Barbara. -- -- still life. Signup can take place at the Membership Wanda Doyle -- 89 members signed in. 3 new members well. ii. Betty Gray, Ann Ashcroft, Anita Morse. 3 guests attending as Wanda asked if someone would like to assist Heather Luccock with the Harmony Arts Festival. Committee captains should contact Heather to offer their support with this show. Volunteers are needed for meeting setup to help put up chairs before meetings. One more assistant is needed to help with the social break. A newsletter editor is also needed. An assistant is already in place. Membership fees were submitted for a Linda Granger however Wanda cannot find this member in the roster. If anyone can help solve this mystery, please see Wanda. Wanda reminded members about the roster cover contest next month. iii. iv. birthday. He has Alfonso Tehama spoke to the membership regarding a plein air celebration to commemorate our organized two different events: 1) plein air events during July on weekends (10-3pm) from Park Royal to Amble side to be painting. Alfonso has a signup sheet at the back and he asks members to commit to certain days to increase our exposure to the community. The tent at Park Royal Village will act as "base". Alfonso would like a panoramic photograph of all members to be on display at these events. The second event takes place during the 4-12 of august (during Harmony Arts) outdoor painting in front of the Ferry Building (11 -3pm). This will also give our club more exposure. There will be signup sheets at the back during break for these events. Members can also contact Alfonso if they are interested in participating. f. Member Survey -- Larry Achtemichuk Larry discussed the format of the AGM slated for the June meeting, i.e. the new executive will be voted in. Nominations can be made in person, or by email. Also, the member survey will be reviewed at the AGM. The survey has already been reviewed and summarized by the executive. Three topics will be given extra time for discussion critiques, "big show", and common interest groups. -- ii. Coffee setup has been modified to try to facilitate quicker movement in response to many comments offered through the survey. New Business Todd at Saltaire restaurant is looking for artists to display art in his restaurant. Contact him. Publicity Florence Allardice showed the poster that Margaret Mahy has produced to be displayed in buses and elsewhere on the North shore. A list of member shows and activities will be included in the newsletter. -- Meeting Adjourned. CAPILANO MALL SHOW PAINTINGS Original Pt. Atkinson Lighthouse 2 Achtemichuk Larry