orth Shore Artists' Guild (fqrmerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) $ApriI 2007 Page5jjjj s BLUE BUS: 10 Posters were designed and delivered. I have reserved buses for the May show. 16 Posters are distributed and hung across the North Shore by Isabel. The media has been contacted with our Press Release POSTERS: MEDIA: The Artist's Journal newsletter contacted us with regard to memberships from our Members. I have sent them an article to appear in their next newsletter in April describing our Guild and our next exhibition. Membership applications will be distributed at our next meeting. "Splash of Colour" is the name chosen for our May Show MEMBER'S ART EXHIBITIONS Allyson MacBean has a painting in the Federation's Landscape show and Blossoms Show. Her Crantini with Lime has just been accepted into the Federation's Still Life Show. Charlotte Grundig is showing her artwork from March 3 to April 23 at Saltaire Restaurant. Jean Bonvini is showing her oils March 9th to mid April at Delany's Coffee House, Park Royal. Frieda Ashworth has her art showing at Bauer's Framing, 16th & Bellevue, also a painting in the Human Body Show at the Federation. Wanda Doyle has five of her paintings at Furry Creek Golf Course for the duration of the Golf Season. She has 4 paintings in the Parkside Restaurant, Squamish, and 1 in Galileo Coffee House, Britannia Beach. Jennifer Tunner will exhibit 6 paintings in a group exhibition at the W,.Van. Memorial Library Apr. 130t1. Title of show is Beautiful B. C. Reception: Fri. Apr. 13, 6:30 p.m to 8:00 p.m. `Tlice-cPresiient cEditfi Warner 604-980-5358 warneren@telus.net The upcoming jurying will again accept images via email. Information required is your full name, telephone number, painting title, size, medium, selling price and whether or not the painting is available for ongoing shows. I will be sending an email out shortly allowing you to fill in the blanks and return it to me. In this newsletter you will also find the entry forms and instructions for jurying. Publicity if you have an upcoming exhibition or event, don't hesitate to send along a jpg image to be included in the newsletter. Helps break up all this text! - cPast cPresident Lorne `ThpIiam 604-922-7255 lwtopharn@shaw.ca `Treasurer cRjcfiariSummers 604-926-5225 rgsuntmers@shaw.ca The third quarter statement of income and expenses and the balance sheet have now been completed and show an excess of expenditures over income of $454 for the year to date. At the end of February 2007 our bank statement showed available funds in our chequing account amounted to $1524.95. However cheques which were issued and