North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) March 2007 Page 5 I need a volunteer assistant who will be prepared to take over this position in 2008. Isabel will not be able to take over all of the duties for this committee but will remain to help. My computer skills are minimal, so don't feel that this is a prerequisite, but more knowledge than mine would be a great asset. Member's Art Exhibits: Wild at Art 2007, West Coast Railway Heritage Park Gallery, Squarnish 7th to Feb. 25th. 10:00 to 4:00 p.m. Festival of Art February 1 Second turnoff into Squamish will get you there the easiest. Lorne Topham, Marguerite Mahy, Wanda Doyle, Lucy Collings, Catherine Roddie, and Florence Allardice. Wanda Doyle has four images of her paintings included in M.P. Blaire Wilson's 2007 calendar. Lorne Topham has a display of Digital Art at the W. V. Seniors' Activity Centre during the month of February. Jacquie Manning had a painting in the Federation Gallery Landscapes show Jan. 30th to Feb. 18th. Please email me with your news of paintings on display. `Tlice-cPresiient Editñ `Warner 604-980-5358 Past President `Treasurer Lorne ¶Thpfiam 604-922-7255 cRjcliarc(Summers 604-92 6-5225 At the end of January 2007 available funds in our checking account were $1,524.95 and our outstanding invoices amounted to $2,117.48, which meant a shortfall of $592.53. So that we could continue to fulfill our obligations we transferred $2,000 from our Investment account to our checking account. To try and clarify our financial picture we analyzed our performance up to the present time and projected to the end of the year to determine how our income and expenses compared with our budgeted expectations. The projections show that both total income and total expenditures will probably be less than budgeted, but expenditures will exceed income by approximately $1,330. Some points to consider: Membership: In 2005 2006 membership was: -- Active 150 Supporting 20 Honorary & Life Q Total 180 For 2006 2007 we anticipated about 200 members but so far the membership is 142 active and 32 supporting plus 10 honorary & Life members giving a total of 184. Anticipated membership dues were $7,490 but actual dues will probably be about $6,545. -- Exhibitions: Exhibitions in past years have tended to be self-supporting, however for this year we have so far had only one exhibition giving commissions and four giving no commissions but still attracting