North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) March 2007 Page 4 We now have 146 Paid Active Members, 32 Paid Supporting Members and 10 Honorary and Life Members. Our Total Membership in good standing is now 188. Thank you to all members who encouraged guests to come to the meeting. All Members are reminded to sign in on our attendance list, since signing in is an important part of qualifying for jurying. Please also note that items requiring pickup are left close by your sign-in sheet. Please check and pick these up at the next meeting. This includes receipts if you requested one, membership cards, rosters, etc. On the sign in sheets, there is room for reminders beside your name. Please write your address changes, etc. here. Items not picked up by March's meeting end will be discarded. Is anyone planning a bonfire? Someone is needed to take the box of outdated rosters to be destroyed. Please see Wanda at the next meeting if you can help. Thank you to Heather Luccock for volunteering to assist Al Spence with the Harmony Arts Festival Show. Volunteer participation is vital to the running of our club. Please consider the open opportunities below and contact Wanda Doyle or the relevant Director if you can help: Website Co-ordinator for Publicity Management to work with Larry Achtemichuk Website Co-ordinator for Contact Management to work with Larry Achtemichuk Exhibit Co-ordinator for Park Royal to work with Al Spence Exhibit Co-ordinator for Cap Mall to work with Al Spence Exhibit Director Understudy/assistant to replace Al Spence in September Treasurer Understudy/assistant to replace Richard Summers in September Jury Co-ordinator to replace Heather Luccock Publicity Assistant to work with Florence Allardice Although September seems far away, many executive/ director positions will be vacated in June. Our bylaws require a change after a two year term so that new ideas can come forward. A Nomination Committee has been formed (Wanda Doyle, Lorne Topham and Anne McMahon) to approach members and receive declarations of interest about standing for the following positions: Exhibit Director manage the club shows Treasurer manage the monies and budget Vice President oversee the newsletter Education finding and introducing demo speakers Recording Secretary record minutes of Exec and Membership Meetings President manage the rest of us -- - - -- / Job Descriptions, which are available for all positions, can be adapted to fit personalities/interests and shifted between positions. If you have new ideas, a bit of time or energy to spare, and/or an interest in getting more focused on your art career, please contact one of the Nomination Committee Members by the May meeting. If you know someone you'd like to recommend for a position, please encourage them to step forward. Whether you are a new or established member, you are welcome to put your name forward. c'Publicity F(orence J4ffartfice 604-925-3039 Publicity is in place for the March l6th Art Show including posters, and the Blue Bus. Unfortunately the Banner will not be flying at Park Royal. All spaces for March were filled. I would like to up-date the Biography Book, so would ask those that need to do this to please bring it to me at the March meeting. All artists who enter the art shows should be in the book. For examples of biographies that can help you design yours, review those on the NSAG website in the Artists' Websites.