North Shore Artists' Guild (formerly West Vancouver Sketch Club) Please welcome our new members and update your rosters if you wish: Zara Norouzi 305 321 2nd St. East North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1C6 (604) 904-1008 S (Supporting Member) Volunteer Interests: Typing, Computers -- December 2006 Page 3 Merrietta Skold 1322 29th St. East North Vancouver, B.C. V7J 1T1 (604) 982-0072 A (Active Member) Volunteer: Interests: Newsletter Editor Workshop Asst, Jurying, Publicity Carole Wilson 2108 Panorama Drive North Vancouver, B.C. V7G 2C9 (604) 983-9870 A (Active) Volunteer: Phoning We also welcomed 8 guests: Florence Lam, Liz du Fresne, John Jotre, Dotsy Henning, Bill Powrie, Anne Bergstrom, Gloria Vencu and George Matheson. All Members are reminded to sign in on our attendance list, since signing in is an important part of qualifying for jurying. Please also note that items requiring pickup are left close by your sign-in sheet. Please check and pick these up at the next meeting. This includes receipts, workshop questionnaires, membership cards, rosters, etc. On the sign in sheets, there is room for reminders beside your name. Please write your address changes, etc. here. Please also look beside your name for comments or reminders the Membership Team has for you. We now have 137 Paid Active Members, 34 Paid Supporting Members and 10 Honorary and Life Members. Our Total Membership in good standing is now 181. As new members join us, your volunteer interests wifi be listed (see above), along with your contact information, so that members may update their rosters if they wish, and team captains may contact you if you fit their committee needs. Other updates to the roster: Efta Schoth is now an A Active Member Ruth Grant is now I Inactive New Address: Peggy Shannon, 2101 Philip Ave., North Van, V7P 2W5 (604) 924-5122 Sunny Stringer: e-mail Dorothy Evers: removed from e-mail Consuelo McMurdo is from North Vancouver, not West Van as previously announced in newsletter - Someone is needed to take the outdated rosters to be destroyed. Please see Wanda at the next meeting if you can help. Volunteers are vital to our club. Lack of volunteer participation can affect the professionalism and growth of our club. There are only so many hours the current executive and volunteers have to offer. Currently, we are at capacity for shows. Do we want to expand? Please consider the opportunities below and contact Wanda Doyle if you can help. Exhibit Receptions Captain and Hosts/Hostesses Exhibit Co-ordinator for Park Royal to work with Al Spence Exhibit Co-ordinator for Cap Mall to work with Al Spence Exhibit Director Understudy/assistant to replace Al Spence in September Treasurer Understudy/assistant to replace Richard Summers in September -- Our new member, Merrietta Skold, has volunteered to be Newsletter Editor. Thank You! Although September seems far away, many executive/director positions wifi be vacated in June. Our bylaws require a change after a two year term so that new ideas can come forward. Please give serious thought to these positions: Exhibit Director manage the club shows Treasurer manage the monies and budget President manage the rest of us Vice President Covers for President in event of absence, edits newsletter Secretary recording minutes of meetings Education finding and introducing demo speakers -- -- - All Members are reminded again to wear your name tag and return it to the box, in the appropriate slot, at the end of each meeting. Tags are filed alphabetically by last name. Some members are stifi misfiing or taking tags home and therefore requiring third and fourth tags being made. Please save time and line-ups at the Membership Desk by filing your tag in the correct slot so you can find it next time.