North Shore Artists'Guild Jffly Watson RR#1 C-41 Bowen Island, B.C. VON 1GO (604) 947-9604 Active Member (A) November2006 Page 5 We welcomed 6 guests. Anne Gunvor Arnold, Consuelo McMurdo, Janet Ross, Fariba Dashtaray, Zita Quattrocchi, and Shirle Klein-Carsh. All Members are reminded to sign in on our attendance list, since signing in is an important part of qualifying for jurying. New Members are given important club Information when they join. Please refer to it and visit the club website for additional information once you've received your password. This will be sent to you automatically once you are entered on our database this week. We now have 135 Paid Active Members, 33 Paid Supporting Members and 10 Honorary and Life Members. Our Total Membership in good standing is now 178. We have 3 unpaid members: Ruth Grant ($25) Daphne McLean ($40) Etta Schoth ($25) If you know these members, please encourage them to get their payments in. Delinquent members, this wifi be your final notice and final copy of the newsletter. To renew, Dues must be mailed to Wanda Doyle, 45 Beach Drive, Furry Creek, B.C. VON 3Z1 or brought to the next meeting at the very latest. Cheques are payable to NSAG or North Shore Artists' Guild. Some membership cards have not yet been picked up by Members. Each year, your card expires. Please be sure you have a current card, expiring in 2007. These cards will be valuable since we are going to be announcing some store discounts to members who can show their card. If you have a favorite store you know is willing to offer our members a discount, please let Wanda know. Rosters are now available for pick-up. Many thanks to Anne McMahon, our outgoing Membership Chair, who deserves most of the credit for a job well done. It's a lot of work to gather names for all the committees and get the information as up to date as possible. Thank you to all the volunteers who allowed their names to stand for the various committees. Our new computer system was also a big help. Because of this, you'll see the format has changed a little. This year, we've also added a section of Local Community Art Organizations. We hope to expand on this for next year as well, adding a section for Education and other Resources for Artists. We're also looking at selling business card size ads to help offset the costs of printing. If you know someone who'd like to advertise their art related services in our directory next year, please have them contact Wanda. In the committee section, you'll see we have a Ride Co-ordinator. if you need a ride or can offer a ride to any of our functions, please contact Lotti Frowein. Volunteers are vital to our club. There is a huge amount of work that goes on behind the scenes outside of these meetings. If you can no longer fulfifi a function, please be sure to find yourself a replacement and communicate this to the team captain. Team captains wifi be asked to form their own teams next year and provide the information to be printed in the Roster. Please check that ALL your Roster information is correct and that you are on the right committees. Recently joined members wifi have been added to a committee if they had an interest which matched a need. New members are invited to approach any committee and volunteer. Don't get left out. We still need an assistant for our Treasurer and someone to help complete the sitting roster for the Park Royal show. The Exhibition Director also needs an understudy who will then take over his job next year. Here's your chance to have a bigger say in the running of our club! Other updates for the Roster: Florence Allardice Now an A (active) member Barbara Ohi Now an A (active) member Jacquie Manning New e-mail: Irene Blackhall New Address: 508 2059 Chesterfield Road --