id `Treasurer cRjcliardSummers 604-926-5225 t. It covers the The first quarter financial report has been completed and compared with the Budge workshops so summer period of June, July and August when most people are away, there are no the budget not much happens. Overall both revenue and expenditures were a little greater than r of numbe ed expect figures. The finances are in good shape provided that we have have the members renew their memberships. cPu6(icity cF(orencefl((ardice 604-925-3039 The following artists have advised us of their upcoming shows: a · Member Marguerite Mahy, George Bates, Patricia Adams and Tansy Carter are having "Recent group show in the Ferry Building from Tuesday, October 24 to November 5 titled Works" the · Wanda Doyle won a People's Choice Award at the Squamish Visual Art Group's "In Gold Creek Furry Park" show. She also advises that she has several paintings hanging in the Club Club until the end of October. Unfortunately, one of her paintings was stolen from the I guess this can be taken as a great complement!! neighbour · Members Al Spence, Charlotte Grundig, and Jacquie Manning along with their 26 Marilyn Baker-Anderson are having a show at the Silk Purse Gallery from September St. through October 8, entitled "The St. James Express", after the fact that they all live on James Street in North Vancouver. issue. The · Lanett Baker's painting graces the cover of the current "Arts Alive" magazine uver, issue also has an article on Lanett's group at the Pemberton Studios in North Vanco -- There are a number of Calls for Entry coming up that members should be aware of: 5-7292 Silk Purse 2007 Exhibits these are two week exhibits at the Silk Purse in 2007. Call 604-92 for further information for this or other Silk Purse Calls. Requirements: 3 finished and framed works 20 images of current work (4" x5" or larger prints preferred) Short written concept or proposed them and title of exhibition CVorBio $15 jury fee PM at the Drop off Sunday October 1 from 9:30-10:30 AM, pick up the same day from 3-3:3O Masonic Hall, 1763 Bellevue, West Vancouver - conjunction with Silk Purse Africa Exhibitions Two special exhibits on Africa in April 2007 in other concerts, literary and children's events. Requirements: 3 finished and framed works CV and prints of other work $15 jury fee Drop off is the same as the above - ements: Silk Purse 2006 Miniatures Exhibit to be held from December 5-19, 2006. Requir All pieces to be NO larger than 8" x 10" including frame on a wall Limit of 3 pieces per artist, any medium, as long as the pieces can be hung Maximum price on a piece is $135 (ie $150 including taxes) -CV il $10 Jury fee, no Exhibition fee, 30% commission to WV Arts Counc lity No restriction on previous exhibitions or conflicts with other jury eligibi - - - - - -