9rtem6ersflip Anne 9pfc9pfaflon 604-922-8249 mcmahonalex@hotmail.com New Chairman Please join me in welcoming your new Membership Chairman, Wanda Doyle. We will work together over the summer to ensure a seamless transition. It has been a privilege to serve you the past few years, and I know Wanda will appreciate your support, as I have. New Members Two new members joined us in June: Rob Zyistra 3630 Robinson Rd. North Vancouver, BC, V7J 3G2 604-505-8509 zylstra@robotrob.com Membership Numbers Paid-up members: Carol Jennings, 1041 16th St., West Vancouver, BC, V7V 3S5, 604-926-5111 jennings@uniserve.com Unpaid: 111 Active: Supporting 23 Life, Hon & Inactive 11 54 The following members remain unpaid at present. Problems? Please advise Anne. Send cheques ($40/$25) to: Wanda Doyle, 45 Beach Dr., Furry Creek, BC, VON 3Z1. Baxter Barker Avis Allardice Akkor Browne, E Brady Broom Birks Berke Egawa Donald Eacott Dennis Conway Handscomb Grant Granger, P Foo Esseiva Knowles Kiss, Z Kerr Johnstone, P Howell Mason Luccock Lehoczky Lagasse Knowlton Miyakawa Mikulica McMillan McLean McAuley Schoth Perley Romay Reynolds Newby Sotres Sinclair Shakiba Sharp Scott Walton Thomas Trach Taylor, J. Taylor, I. Winter Woods Weber-Upham Wilkinson - Help still needed: Someone to assist Treasurer Richard Summers with budgeting and banking. Please! 1) Another assistant for Exhibitions Al Spence. Shows have increased, help needs to keep up. 2) Call any Executive to volunteer! Committee Jobs (pp i vi of your Roster) Thank you all for your help. Please get together with your group to teach each other. If you are unable to fulfill your assigned duty, please find a substitute! - 2'reasurer cl?jcflanfSummers 604-926-5225 rgsummers@sluiw.ca The annual financial report has been completed and compared with the budget. The Guild's finances continue to be satisfactory in most areas although overall expenses exceeded revenues by $1947 for the year. Highlights during the year indude the following: 1. Our name change from "West Vancouver Sketch Club" to "North Shore Artists Guild", was a major event and more closely represents what we have become. The costs associated with this have not been dosely analysed but do not represent a large sum.