ortb Shore Artists' Group: Club) March 2006 Page CtzssifleiAifc Former WVSC artist, Jose Portas, is having a clearout sale of frames, easels, books, canvas, oils, watercolours, pastels, brushes, watercolour paper, etc. The sale will be on Saturday and Sunday, March 25th and 26th from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM daily at 340 West 3rd Street, North Vancouver, Apartment 337, phone 604--984--0Th9. !Minutes of cFe6ruaiy 21, 2006 çenerat!Meeting 1. 2. 3. Call meeting to order Larry called the meeting to order. Larry welcomed guests. Motion to adopt minutes of last meeting Jim Elton motioned and Bob Rennie seconded. Carried. Workshop fee increases a. Larry explained that the increased workshops have resulted in increased costs to the club. Larry explained how the club pays for the workshops via the Kay Cole and Binky Canon funds which subsidize the cost of the workshops. If we continued to subsidize too many workshops, these funds will be depleted. Thus, the club has decided to increase the cost of workshops from $50 to $65. Motion: Frieda Ashworth motioned to have the workshop costs raised to $65 for a two day workshop. Deb Taylor seconded. Carried. b. Marguerite Mahy proposed a change to the current workshop signup process so that more members have an opportunity to get into the various workshops. A lottery selection process was suggested, as well as using a calendar of upcoming artists and having members choose their preferred workshops in order. Larry suggested that this was a topic worth discussing at the next executive meeting and he encouraged members to email him with suggestions if they would like to do so. Reports a. Exhibitions Al Spence i. Capilano Show summary Five paintings were sold during the reception and four more paintings were sold during the week. The reception was very successful. One of the paintings was sold to a repeat buyer who came by virtue of having received an invitation from a member, thus proving the importance of keeping a client list. ii. Reception 175 attendees. There was great publicity via Gordon Davis and the North Shore News photographer. iii. People's Choice Awards was won by Nancy Dean Ambleside Sentries. iv. Park Royal Show May 15-21. Al will update the membership regarding the possibility of a reception for this show and/or Ferry Building. v. Ferry Building show June 27-- July 9. vi. Next jurying session will be held on May 12 and 13. b. Workshops Frieda Ashworth i. Mike O'Toole workshop is full. Lorena Lee workshop is not full yet. Frieda encouraged members to check out Lorena's website and told them that she would be running a fantastic workshop in water media. Frieda will be on vacation after tonight, so those who would like to sign up for this workshop should contact Marguerite Mahy. c. Financial Richard Summers d. Education Jacquie Manning i. Jacquie will be introducing tonight's demo artist, Brittani Faulkes. e. Publicity Gord Davis i. Laudate singers have invited members to display paintings at April 29 th concert. About 20 paintings will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Members should speak with Heather Luccock regarding this. Marguerite Mahy invited members to contact her regarding showing 6-8 paintings at her church --25% commission to the church. ii. Gordon's complete list of upcoming shows and events can be viewed on the upcoming newsletter. f. Vice-President Edith Warner i. Edith reminded members to provide her with anything that needs to be included in the newsletter. Edith informed the members of the new "Want Ads" section in the newsletter. g. Membership and Roster Anne McMahon i. Anne thanks the members who helped in her absence the last couple of months. Anne welcomed new members, Anne Marie Calder, Allyson MacBean, Doug Rae and guests. Over 90 members are present tonight. Anne reminded members that they can update their own personal information on the website, or they can always call Anne. -- -- -- 4. - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --