North Shore Artists' Group (!dthe'WestVancouverSkètôhC!ub) March 2006 Page'? !EMem6erslhp J4nne !Mc!Ma(ion 604-922-8249 ;ncniahonnlex@J;olnirnLcorn Please welcome the following new members and add them to your roster: Calder, Anne-Marie, 803-150-24th St., West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4G8, 604-9214871 MacBean, Allyson, 304 1340 Duchess Ave., West Vancouver, BC, V7T 1H6, 604-926-1909 - Rae, Doug, 1503-150-24th St., West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4G8 604-922-2024 (welcome back, Doug!) Notes: -- -- -- Advise me of any changes to your personal information, or makes your own changes on Line, so your newsletter reaches you; Don't forget to sign the attendance sheet at every meeting in order to qualify for jurying. Blue dot on name tag means "I'm new talk to me." -- 7reasurer cRjcliarf Summers 604-926-5225 rgsumniers@shawca Workshop Fees The workshop dues were raised in the February 21 meeting to cover a shortfall we had project ed for the year. I'd like to explain this a bit more. Our financial goal on workshops is to breakeven for the year after we adjust for the subsidy we give the workshops. The subsidy is the interest we earn on two bequests the Guild has received from former members, Kay Cole and Binkie Cannon. If we total up all the workshop expenses, subtract the subsidy and the revenues from attendees' fees, we should he at breakeven. Our projection was that this would be negative for the year. Compared to last year, we have experienced several important changes with a financi al impact. First, we have doubled the number of workshops we are holding this year. As the subsid y is a relatively fixed amount of interest income, this means that the available subsidy per worksh op is halved. The fees charged us by instructors are variable but they have increased over all since last year. Instructors in high demand also tend to charge more, understandably. In addition the Binkie Cannon bequest is for a portrait workshop, and thus we have a charge for a model, which was also new from last year. If we have any empty spots in a workshop, this affects the breakeven as well, and fortunately we have not had many empty spots, but we have had some. This all added up to the need to adjust our fees for the workshops. From a Treasu rer's point of view, I hope for both full and enjoyable workshops for the balance of the year. Capilano Mall Opening Reception Something else that we tried for the first time was to have an opening event for the February Capilano Mall Exhibition; therefore I undertook a review of the full costs of the exhibition to establish if we had charged appropriate fees, etc. The review shows that we experie nced a small loss (less than $50 overall) which is very dose to breaking even. This indicates that the fees, prices and commissions used were about right and should be a guide for future exhibit ions. cPub(icity An Invitation to Participate in Laudate Singers Spring Concert gordon c'Davis 604-926-5619 Come and enjoy a wonderful evening of choral music by Laudate Singers tickets $10.00 for club members, and you are also invited to bring a painting for display prior to the concert and during intermission when there is an informal reception. This is a great opportunity for our Guild to collaborate with the music community. Anyon e bringing a painting wifi, of course, be able to give out a business card and bio and should make out -