2.7 2.8 Past President Lorne Topham absent Anne McMahon membership 2.8.1 Anne welcomed Louise Goodman, Laura White, Caroline Thorpe, and Janice Brady as new members to the club. There are also three guests tonight There are 80 members signed in tonight and Anne reminded those who haven't signed in to do so. She encouraged members to pick up a roster at break. - New Business 1. 2. 3. Edith reminded members that meeting time is actually 7:00 9:30. Edith mentioned a possible "people's choice award" and an opening reception at the Cap Mall show. Yuletide Gathering Heather Luccock thanked members, especially Edith, who helped at last week's jurying. The holiday party is called Yuletide gathering. The party starts at 6 pm and the cost is $12 per person. The Yuletide gathering will be held upstairs in this church. Wine, tea, coffee, finger foods. The date of the party is Wednesday, December 4th Gift exchange B secret Santa gift of under $5 to be brought to the evening. Heather asked that members who picked up paintings from the last jurying, but didn't sign out to please do so tonight Heather announced that The Laudate singers will be performing and the Sketch club has been invited to display paintings at their April spring concert (20 paintings first come, first served nonjuried event). Members will get tickets to concert at reduced price of $10. No sales will take place, but members are encouraged to have business cards available. Commission would be by donation only. Heather will put out a call for artists in January, if the club agrees. Paintings should have a spring theme. Edith gave out awards from last jurying. Edith and Larry met with some longer-term members of the club and she thanked them for their input There is now a signup sheet on the bulletin board for riders and drivers so that these people can connect with each other. Edith reported that several members felt there was too much "computer' talk at the meetings and in the newsletter. The club will adjust the format to avoid this. Some members expressed concern that the club was being divided into "different kinds of members". This is not the iniension of the executive. We do want to make sure that we are addressing the needs of all the members of the dub, perhaps with different activities, shows, etc. We have not received too many suggestions on the new club name. Edith encouraged members to put possible names in the suggestion box here at the meeting. The most submitted names will be voted upon in January. New member area will be set up near the coffee area at break. Edith reminded members to put away chairs after the meeting. - 4. 5. - 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Meeting adjourned. I 1)2/2OO5