-- r - Newsletter December2005 www wvsketchc!ub.ca P.O. Box 91051 West Vancouver, B. C. WV3N3 Seiving Visual Artists from Furiy Cove to Deep Cove since 1947 WVSC West Vancouver Sketch Clith -- Wednesday, December 14th, 2005 6:00 PM St Stephen's Church Hail, nd Street West, West Vancouver, BC 885 -- _Zm L!T! We have 53 people signed up for the Yuletide Gathering. Anyone who has not signed up and plans to attend please call Heather Luccock at 604-985-6570. This will help with the catering. If anyone has an item that is new or nearly new that is not being used, if you would like to donate it as a door prize, please call me. The party is in the Lounge of St. Stephen's church upstairs in the building where we normally meet. Enter by doors off the parking lot. The doors will open at 6:00 pm. Please remember to bring a small gift. (Everyone needs to bring a gift so everyone can receive one.) This is going to be a lovely evening with Kiff Holland as our speaker, good food, music and gift giving. See you on December 14th. cPast-cPresiéent Lorne Elopfi4m 604-922-7225 lwtopharn@shaw.ca I attended the second meeting of the Arts and Culture and Heritage Facility Committee on Saturday, November 26, 2005 at the offices of Aldrich Pears Assodates in Vancouver. New guests included Kevin Pike and Steve Nichols from the Municipality. The emphasis was on building on the present facilities on the Argyle corridor realizing that both the Silk Purse and the Ferry Building needed more room. It was felt the Music Box had no value in the proposed design and a new building in the style of the present buildings would better accommodate the needs of the ArtiStS. Klee Wyck was considered out of the range of a creative and vital Art scene so would probably be renovated to continue in its present use. The proposals put forward today, of which the above is only a very condensed version, will be submitted in draft to Council and sent back to Aldrich Pears with comments, if any, and then a draft will be sent to the committee. The next stage will be possibly another meeting or an Open House where the Public will be invited to attend and make comment cPresiifent £ariy Acfitemicfiu(604-926-9640 lathkm@slurw.ca Voting for a New Name A reminder that we will be voting for the new name of our organization at our January 17th monthly meeting. Thanks to all those who have sent in their suggestions for a new name or gave them to us at the last meeting. The vote will be by ballot and will allow you to rank your top three preferences. The most popular names submitted by the time of the meeting will be on the ballot although you will have an opportunity to "write in" a choice that may not already be there. Jurying I would like to add my congratulations to the many volunteers that made the recent jurying a relatively smooth and successful event We integrated the photographing of our paintings more directly into the process and this seemed to work well. The most gratifying part of the process for me was to see members who submitted their paintings to the jurying for the very first time, and who had a painting accepted by the jurors. New members may be understandably reluctant to put a painting in for jurying. They may want to get to know the Club better or they may feel that they are not yet ready in some sense. The advice from those of us who have gone through that process is to "go for it". We all learn from participating in the jurying and can get some good feedback, so put on your thicker skin and jump in.. Our Next Exhibition Thanks to the initiative of Al Spence, our Exhibitions Chair, we have arranged to have an extra Exhibition at the Capilano Mall in February, and details will be in his section of the newsletter. We are also going to be trying some new things with this show.