Sketch September 2005 Page 4 acclaimed as a portrait artist, she is commissioned by clients in many countries to paint executive portraits, family portraits, children's portraits and pet portraits. She has designed murals for restaurants Her and for private homes, and trompe l'oeil for companies to reflect the nature of their business. also but contemporary art is influenced firstly by nature, observed, collected, drawn and photographed, by other arts, primitive, ancient and modern, from many cultures including Asia, Africa and Australia. Many of her paintings have been published and sold all over the world. Mem6ership Anne flWcfMahon 604-922-8249 incmahonalex@hotinail. coin Thank you for your payments received over the sunm-ier. At present our numbers are as follows: 125 Paid Active members: 12 Paid Supporting 8 Life/Honorary 40) (Unpaid If you haven't renewed now's the time! Last chance to renew membership before roster is printed will be at September 20 meeting: Active membership $40, Supporting membership $25. After the September meeting we will cut off entries for the Roster and you will no longer receive the newsletter. Please advise me of any changes to your personal information. Our new Membership roster will be available at October meeting. -- Happy painting everyone! `Treasurer For July 2005 Opening Balance Income Expenses Closing Balance cRjcfiariSummers 604-926-5225 $4,415.52 654.00 1,088.70 $3,980.82 Income: Mostly from membership dues. Expenses: ccounfing services,Hall rental, PST, P0 Box rental, Workshops and Refreshments `Vice-(Presiient - - Edith Warner 604-980-535 One of my duties for the coming year is to produce and edit this newsletter. I look forward to receiving articles, stories, ads, suggestions, pictures, what have you. Please email or call me at the above address. Currently we have about 88 members receiving the newsletter via email (the e-letter). If you would like to receive it this way just drop me an email at the above address and it's done! Saves the club on postage and paper printing as well and get your newsletter in colour with pictures included! Pu6licity `De6 `Tay(or 604-922-7346 Our Show at Park Royal will be on for the week starting Sunday; September 25. As we did at our last show there will be road signs available when you drop off your paintings. Please take as many as you like to place in visible high traffic areas. Before you return to pick up your paintings PLEASE pick up the signs and return them to Park Royal. We hope that the signs will increase the attendance at the show. Now would be a good time to send out any postcards or e-mail reminders about the show to past customers and friends. A group of painters met at the new Village in Park Royal a number of times this summer to paint in public. The painting went well, the tent was in a busy area, and many people stopped to look at their work. it was such a popular spot that next season a larger tent and more signage has been suggested.