Newsletter September2005 1T7SC 1 4 Wrst V17)l('OjiVC 1.ciiuver Sketch Club West Va 1 P.O. A) Visua1Art Sqiiig ` S All SEP 9 2'J( III Iii B.C. Cove V7V3N SinCe 1947 SkClClZC1U147' 885 -- 22nd Street West, I'Vest Vancouver, BC -- · cpresitfent -- `` Lar,yJ4cñtemicIu6O4-926-964o Welcome back from what I hope was a very enjoyable and happy summer, and that you all got a lot of The Executive team and the painting done (or at least gathered a lot of reference material!!). Committees are looking forward to another successful year in the Sketch Club. During the summer we had a busy team of volunteers headed by Tessa Johnston who put on another We shared the display space with two very successful show at the Harmony Arts Festival. photography clubs and sold 16 of approximately 50 paintings in the show, an excellent percentage. Many members who were there also report that they had follow-ups from visitors after the show as well. Thanks again to Tessa and her team. - The next major show in our calendar is the Fall Park Royal Show later this month. I would make -a request that each one of you make the effort to tell 5-10 people about the show and encourage them to attend. We also have some excellent postcards that you can buy for low- price if you would rather If you have names and e-mail send your contacts one, and details of this are in the newsletter. addresses for people that you would rather have the Club send an on-line version of the postcard to, just send these to me at and we will get a notice to them on your behalf if you prefer this option. We should try to get twice as many people to come to see our excellent mall shows as we have had in the past! Thanks to all who participated in the Member Survey that was done in May. The results have now been 1/2 compiled and summarized, and have been given to the executive team for detailed review prior to a day session scheduled for late this month. A summary of the results will be shared with the members at our upcoming monthly meeting on September 20. We are planning to also involve a number of members in the survey action plan development and will be making some requests for involvement as we proceed. We have a successful club with attendance growing to 190. However, as we grow and evolve we need to be mindful of things that may need a bit of tuning or changing and recognize that the club has groups of members who want and need differing things. You will soon see a new and invigorated library this year under the capable leadership of Lorraine Elkins. If you have books and magazines that you would be willing to donate to the library, especially more current issues, please make arrangements with Lorraine. I look forward to seeing many of you at our first meeting of the new term. If we haven't met yet, please come over and introduce yourself I can't promise I will remember all of your names, but I will try my best. -- E.xjii6itions J4(Spence 604-988-2737 Oct. 2. To start September off the Park Royal North Show will be from Sunday Sept. 25 to Sunday and Bring your paintings to the north side of Park Royal Mall by driving around the back of the mall in entering through the middle doors, as the front doors will be locked at this time. Bring your paintings newsletter this at 6:00 PM, Sunday, Sept. 25 and pick them up at 6:00 PM. Sunday, Oct.2. See the list in for your name and the title of your painting. The set up crew will meet at Klee Wyck at 5:30PM Sunday, Sept. 25. Anne McMahon will bring hard-copy advertising postcards for the Park Royal Show to the September 20 meeting, cost is $5 for 20. Please use them to help publicize the event. We will be having our next jurying on Nov. 4th and 5th, so be prepared with up to 4 of your best recent paintings; times and location will be in the October newsletter.