Sketch 3. Directors' Reports 3.1 - June 2005 Page 5 President Lorne Topham 3.1.1 Lome has received the Harmony Arts Festival application which is due on June 1st. Lorne, along with the executive, will be working on putting together a good application for submission. 3.1.2 Lorne reminded those members who have not yet completed the club survey to do so ASAP so that Larry can get on with his analysis. 3.2.3 Lorne reminded members that the entries for the Roster Cover Contest wifi be due at the June meeting. 3.1.4 Lome also reminded members that their annual dues can be paid tonight or at next month's meeting. 3.1.5 As Frieda is away on vacation, Lorne is taking names for the wait list for the June workshop. He invited anyone who wanted to be on the wait list to contact him. 3.1.6 Lorne handed out certificates of achievement and honourable mention to members from the last jurying. Hon. Mention Ingrid Taylor (from November jurying) Juror's choice Jane Armstrong Juror's choice Margaret Dennis Hon. Mention Jackie Manning Hon. Mention Mary Johnson Hon. Mention Al Spence Hon. Mention Florence Allardice - 3.2 3.3 Vice President Larry Achtemichuk absent. - Treasurer Richard Sharp 3.3.1 The club=s account opened this month at $1820.99, had income of $2110.95, mostly from the Suzanne Northcott workshop, dues and painting sales, expenses of $1690.62, again mostly from the workshop. The account closed at $2244.31. - 3.4 Exhibitions Jennifer Tunner 3.4.1 Jennifer reminded members that drop-off for the Cap Mall show is on May 29th at 6pm. 3.4.2 Margaret Dennis is taking names for the duty roster for the Cap Mall Show. Members were encouraged to sign up at break time. 3.4.3 The next show will be at Brewsters from August 2-28. Members participating in this show have AB1" noted on their form from jurying. The second Brewsters show (tba) is for those members whose jury forms show a AB2'. - 3.5 Workshops Frieda Ashworth absent. - 3.6 3.7 Education Gloria O'Neil critique night tonight. - Publicity and Archives Deb Taylor 3.7.1 Deb told members of upcoming member shows and workshops. - 3.8 Past President Edith Warner 3.8.1 Regarding the Constitution, Bylaws and Standing Rules, Edith informed the members that some changes and updates will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting in June. Members can get a current copy from Anne if they wish to review it. The proposed changes will be posted in the newsletter. 3.8.2 Regarding nominations, Edith thanked all those who have signed up. We still need a treasurer and Edith explained that this job does not include bookkeeping duties and she described the role of treasurer briefly. As well, a social director is still needed if members would like refreshments at break time. - 3.9 Membership Anne McMahon 3.9.1 Anne thanked Pam, Lucy and Jeanette for helping with the receipts tonight for membership renewals. 3.9.2 There are four new members tonight: Nancy Dean, Rika Miyakawa, Tigist Begashaw, and Johanna Combrink. There were also three guests in attendance. -