eth4December OO4 P4ge3 As mentioned at the last meeting, we seem to have more demand for workshops than were scheduled. One of the constraints to having more workshops is additional availability of time at Klee Wyck. I am pursuing finding additional venues which would then allow us to schedule more workshops. There also is good interest in having some of our workshops held during the week, so we may combine these two points in our plans, and schedule some weekday workshops as well. If anyone has a suggestion for additional venues, please pursue them on our behalf and when you gather the details of availability, cost and other factors, please let me know. cPu6(icity cDe6 `Tay(or 604-922-7346 Heather Luccock has miniatures in the "Positively Petite" show in Port Coquitlam. It is on until December 16. A chance to get a little gift for Christmas giving. The Federation of Canadian Artists has calls for entries for two shows. "Blossoms" submissions are due December 9 and "Hey, I've been there!", a show of urban landscapes, are due January 11, 2005. Slides or digital images are acceptable. Call Rosalind at 604-681-8534 for more information Suzanne Northcott of the FCA has some new work on display at the Linda Lando gallery at 2001 West 41st Avenue in Kerrisdale. It runs until December 4. Judy Prendergast invites all to an open house December 11 and 12 from 10 to 4pm. It will be held in her studio at 5582 Curran Road, Half Moon Bay on the Sunshine Coast. It will feature her own work and other local artists and crafts. She plans to hold workshops and/or artists retreats there so this is a chance to check out the facilities. 93tem6ersthp Anne !Mc9vlaIion 604-922-8249 rncrnahonalex@hotrnail. corn We had 72 members and guests at our November Meeting. Please welcome the following new members and add their information to your roster: Mrs. Jennifer Conway, 1342 Camridge Rd., West Vancouver, B.C., V7S 2M8, 604-926-3931 jenniconway@yahoo Mrs. Denise D'Angelo, 3723 Regent Ave., North Vancouver, B.C., V7N 2C3, 604-986-3097 Ms. Cheryl Inkster, 5138 Redonda Dr., North Vancouver, B.C., V7R 3K2, 604-985-0275 Please note the following changes in member info: Lorraine Elkins: Phone: 604-816-3167 Sun (not Sunny) Foo Mr. Eric Kiemer, #27 2195 Haywood Ave., West Vancouver, B.C., 604-922-3177 Our apologies to Eric who was inadvertently omitted from the September roster. - The phone numbers of our October new members were omitted from the last newsletter. Please note these: 604-980-7268 Anik Alexander: 604-921-6609 Margit Avis: 604-925-0834 Edie Nolan: 604-988-1625 Jim Robertson 604-924-5122 Peggy Shannon 604-926-1040 Jayne St. John Please call me with any changes to your information. Happy holidays!