Established 1947 veç,L 1 West Box 9. t Incorporated I Visual Artists from Lions Bay to Deep Cove on the North ShoWN . . `, WE %1j. Newsletter May, 2003 { I i ft.y' 1 TJ) - lexC eCi4 `/KeaY.w 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 20,2003 : 9 St. Stephen's Church Hall, 885 22nd Street West, West Vancouver, BC -- TO8 Another successful jurying has just been completed! Thanks to all who participated and congratulations on those whose paintings were accepted, condolences to those whose work was declined. The quality of the work in the club seems to improve with each jurying and show, and the competition is certainly getting tougher. If you're wondering why your painting didn't get accepted then the June meeting may be your chance to find out. We wifi again hold a critique night after the Annual General Meeting so bring along your work and maybe someone else's eyes wifi see where it could be improved. Also, Jacquie Manning, who so capably hosted our jurors, Rita Monaco and Rick McDiarmid, will give us a report on their general comments regarding potential areas of improvement in our work. Also at the jurying we had the first opportunity to use the new laptop which has been p.urchased for the club. It will also be available for viewing at the next meeting for those who are interested. Our next show will be at Capilano Mail in June (from the 8th to the 15th) and from the works seen at the jurying t should be quite successful, Start letting your friends and family know of the show and sale, which should be very good. Finally, we are still in the throes of trying to put together the executive for next year. It is becoming rather difficult to find people willing and available to volunteer for these positions, even with a bit of arm twisting. At the risk of sounding a little blunt, I remind the membership that volunteering is a condition of membership and particularly those who regularly enjoy the benefits of membership such as meetings, juryings and workshops need to come forward and contribute to the club through work on the executive and commiftees. There are many dedicated people who have served in these positions for several years and now wish to take a break we need others to step up and do their share. All of us have busy, active lives, most of us are physically capable of doing the work, and it really is fun and an excellent opportunity to get to know others in the club. If you have any questions about the various positions available or what is involved, please ask Heather Luccock or myself. Thank you. - Se 60'1- 917-2737 The next Club Show and Sale will at the Capilano Mail from June 8-15. The show location in the Mall wifi be the Grand Court (the aisle with the totem poles at the east end). Details will be in the June newsletter. Paintings for this show and the fall Park Royal show were chosen at the May 2-3 jurying. 4a Ae4(emdc&á 604-926-9640 IteetA4teLøz Zd#e: Thanks to all who have recently added their names to the distribution list for the electronic version of this Newsletter. We now have 45 members getting their newsletters this way. They save us money for printing and postage, effort in stapling, stuffing and mailing, and the feedback on the colour, photos and images we are able to use on the electronic version of the newsletter has been very positive. For those who would like to sign up or have questions about how this works, please give me a call.