-- 2002 PaeZ 4 Sfiee 604- 9ff-2737 A reminder to all members with paintings at the West Vancouver Library Show; the pickup time is on Saturday, March 1 between 8:30 and 9:00 AM. Use the door east of the main entrance. Club members with paintings selected for the Park Royal show (see the attached list) are to bring their paintings to Park Royal North between 8:00 and 8:30 AM on Sunday, March 30. Please use the middle entrance at the rear of the Mall. The set-up crew for this show will meet at 7:00AM at Klee Wyck. All participants in the show are required to contribute time to help host the show. Please call Margaret Dennis at 604-926-3442 if you have not yet signed up on the duty roster for this show. dacaUo: 7est 52ato 604- 922- YY tessj@shaw.ca Thank you so much to everyone who helped make the Critique evening at our February meeting such a success. We are planning to have another one at the last meeting of the season in June. The demo artist for March will be Bob Rennie AFCA. Bob is well known for his paintings of the West Coast and will demonstrate in watercolours. He has been involved in Federation of Canadian Artists workshops for many years. A special connection with our Club is that Bob served as a juror at our last jurying. I am sure this will prove to be an interesting evening. Vad ? ai&c4 604-929-469! barbmatthews@shaw.ca February Workshop with Barrie Chadwick This workshop was a great success and enjoyed by all participants. Barrie is a great painter and obviously loves to teach! He brought great energy and his own personal palette of colours and approach to techniques. A fun weekend! March 22 &23 Workshop with Dianna Ponting This should be a very enlightening workshop as Dianna is really one of the highly regarded pastel artists in our area. There are still 4 spaces open for this workshop so you can contact me at 604-9294691 if you are interested. - - April 11,12 & 13 Workshop mixed media At Klee Wyck 9:30 to 3:30 au days Cost $50 (this will include some supplies provided by the instructor) Our instructor for this workshop will be Sketch Club President Edith Warner. Edith is a very accomplished Federation mixed media artist and has won awards for her work at the Federation Gallery. She will be providing some supplies for the course as she can buy them in bulk and make it more affordable for participants. This cost is already included in the fee for the workshop. Participants will get a course outline and supply list at the registration. This will take place at our next Sketch Club meeting in March. I think this workshop will be very exciting and stimulating - trying many new techniques with surprising results a lot of fun!! - Vd 7aIo 604-922-7346 debtaylor40@telus.net The meeting on February 18, 2003 had a turnout of 62 members, a low for the year. However, the numbers were made up for with seven welcomed guests, and also six new members, which brought our total membership up to 160. Our new members are: 604-926-9088 V75 1C2 108 Stevens Drive, West Vancouver, BC. Mr. Bjorn Blondal 604-926-0184 V7S 1H3 382 Mathers Avenue, West Vancouver, BC. Mrs. Dawn Brown 604-925 2564 V7T 2J5 865 Margaree Place, West Vancouver, BC. Mrs. Betty Ditters 604-925-2923 V7V 2L3 Mrs. Carol Kuwica 2958 Mathers Crescent, West Vancouver, BC. 604-921-1610 V7W 3B7 Mrs. Jennifer Tunner 6765 Batchelor Bay Place, W. Vancouver, BC. 604-925-4432 101-2190 Bellevue Avenue, West Vancouver, BC. V7V 1C4 Ms. Janet Young