_____________________ WEST VANCflVE? Newsletter March2004 www wvsketchclub.ca P0. Box 91057 Serving VisualArti.sts from Lion's Bay to Dep C?ves/hce rSkçtch Club West Vancouve West Vancouve, B. C. V7V3N3 NextMeeting: M;J 0 * · / · 114rr r -- ,.. 7j4h .A ,J'I/ V ii `i-' `" West Vancouver Sketch Club Tuesday, March 16, 2003 7 OOPM St. Stephen's Church Hall, LbJ L...J L. L 885 22nd Street West, West Vancouver; BC -- Presüfent cEditfi Warner 604-980-5358 warnere@ca.inter.net Well, our March show is coming up quickly - the details follow in this newsletter. I hope everyone has a good show - best of luck. If you're working at the show, please be sure to record all the information about a purchaser so we can start adding these people to our database for future mailings. This is one of our best sources of contacts for future purchases and shows. Also if you haven't made arrangements for your duty slots please call Margaret Dennis at 604-926-3442. We are still working on improving our demonstration situation - please bear with us. In the meantime, could I please ask for your assistance in remaining as quiet as possible during the demonstration and giving our guest demonstrator your full attention. Several members have commented to me about the level of chatter during the demo and we, and they, would appreciate your courteous co-operation. Thanks so much. We have a number of vacancies on the executive and committees coming up this year. At the next meeting we will have one or two of those who are in those positions speak to you about what's involved in those jobs. Hopefully this will give you a better idea of areas in which you may be interested in volunteering to assist the club. Look forward to seeing you at our next meeting. The next Club Show will be located in the North Mall of Park Royal from March 21 through March 27. We ask that any men available to set up the display panels meet at Klee Wyck at 7AM on Sunday, the 21st. For new members, this activity is not at all strenuous, very helpful and a great way to get to know the other "guys" in the Club. All members with paintings in this show are listed in the attachment to this newsletter. Please ensure that you have tethers for your paintings, and bring them to the North Mall between 8:00AM and 8:30AM on Sunday, March 21. Drive around to the rear of the North Mall by going around the London Drugs end of the Mall, and proceed to the middle rear entrance. These doors will be open to us shortly after 7:00AM. Note that the show will end on Saturday, March 27. You may pick up your paintings between 5:30 6:00 PM on Saturday. - Exjii6itions J4(Spence 604-988-2737 `Tlice4?resicfent Lorrie `Top (tam 604-922-7225 wtopham@shaw.ca Negotiations with the Harmony Arts Festival are progressing. They have agreed that we can use our "normal" jurors and jurying process to select paintings for their show. The next steps are to finalize costs and other factors. Juiying - Lynn We6ster 604-925-4214 kwatson@paciflccoast.net Our next jurying will be held on April 30 - May 1 to select paintings for a Ferry Building Show on June 25 July 7 and for our first involvement in the Harmony Arts Festival, as well as for the fall Park Royal Show. As always, you may bring up to four recent paintings to the jurying, and must have attended at least three meetings in the past year to be eligible for the session.