Newsletter October U3 West Vancouvere Established 1947 Incorporated 1948 P.O. Box 91051 - C(u fr West epuver, B..C; WV3W3 -- Serving Visual Artists from Lion's Bay to Deep Cove sine 1947 Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 21, 2OO3T I 21 St. Stephen's Church HaIl, 885 22" Street West, estVniver,J3C cPresüfent cEditfi Warner 604-980-5358 Well, the leaves are changing and I guess our wonderful weather is coming to an end. The good news is that I will soon be happily working away in my studio with the cat and the CBC, unaware of the bluster outside and not feeling like I'm missing something (i.e. the sunshine!). As you'll see in Al Spence's report we had a very successful Park Royal Show despite some confusion and rescheduling. Many thanks to Lucy Collings who alerted us to the problem and assisted greatly in the solution. Our Harmony Arts Committee is now formed and we will soon be meeting with the Harmony Arts people to cement our arrangements and begin planning. The Monday painting group is now full and off and running again. If you're interested in being on a waiting list please call Beba Metzner. Unfortunately our plans for a pre-Christmas sale have had to be cancelled as we were unable to find a volunteer to co--ordinate this activity maybe next year? -- Lastly, I hesitate to start thinking about Christmas already but we do need a few volunteers to organize and assist with our annual Christmas Party. The date is tentatively the same date as our meeting would be, December 16th, or December 9th depending on availability of the room.. Vice-President Lorne `Thpliam 604-922-7225 wtopham@shaw.ctr The members of the Harmony Arts Festival Display Committee are as follows: Chairman Lorne Topham, Members Sunny Stringer, Marguerite Mahy, Susan Stasny, Tess Johnston Past4?resiéent No report this month JfeatfierLuccoc& 604-985-6570 !E4i6itions - Thanks to all those who helped with the September Park Royal Show, especially those who put in extra time organizing the time change caused by Park Royal double booking the start day. The show looked good and we were successful in selling 9 paintings an excellent result! The paintings sold were: Monday's Wash Primary Colours Road to Eternity Reaching for the Sun Virginia Baden Powell Trail IV Log Picnic Table Aspen Autumn Cariboo Country Joan Fraser Ingrid Taylor Caroline Kuwica Mary Johnson Mary Johnson Ursula Vondette Al Spence Jane Armstrong Jane Armstrong J4tSpence 604-988-2737