Sept O3 age 4 1 Juiying Lynn We6ster 604-925-4214 The next jurying for the Club will be held on November 14-15. Details will be provided in next month's newsletter. In the June newsletter, there was a useful summary of comments and observations made by the jurors summarized for us by Jacquie Manning. One comment in that report may have confused our readers. Both jurors said that they did not care for metal frames, which is accurate, and should be treated as good input for us all. However, they were reported to have also stated that art galleries and the Federation accept only wooden frames. This last statement is accurate, in that the Federation does not this specific requirement. We6site Vpiate Larry J4cItemicIu& 604-926-9640 As most of you know, one of the projects for this year is the development and implementation of a website for the Club. The website has three broad capabilities: · An online show capability, which will put paintings that are juried and selected for future shows into an online gallery, an analogue to the shows themselves · The ability of individual members to have their own websites where they can display examples of their work and their bios, keep track of contacts arid mailing lists, and/or hold a portfolio of their past works. All information will be prepared, and can loaded and changed, by the artist themselves. · The last function is to present information about the Club to members and prospective members, as one would expect for a Club website We have had enough people sign up and prepay for having their websites developed for us to proceed. The website will be developed during September. A small number of us will "test drive" it and probably have some changes made before it is made more broadly available this fall. For the November jurying session, we will take digital photographs of all paintings submitted. This will allow us to put these images into the online show capability in conjunction with the first show in 2004. This schedule also gives all members a chance to develop enough familiarity with the computer, Internet and digital camera tasks that would be required, "with a little help from your friends". I will be contacting all who have signed up for the website in the next couple of weeks to get an idea of your experience level (if any) with this technology stuff. Based on these conversations, we will then plan out how to get us all to have the basic tools to make the website work well for you. In summary, we could see that the following activities and skills would be required: · Turning on a computer, starting programs, accessing files, etc. · Creating a document (a letter or a bio) storing it, revising it, printing it · Creating and sending e-mails, and using attachments to e-mails (documents or images), working with contacts and e-mail addresses · Accessing and surfing the Internet · Working with digital photographs from your own camera, or from film processors like London Drugs or Future Shop. Cropping, saving and printing these images · Accessing the WVSC website, loading your bio, contacts, and images of your work, and changing them over time. There are a number of great courses around that can help you with the first four items. The WV Seniors Centre, Capilano College, and the WV and NV Parks and Community Services courses are some of the ones I have researched. Given the registration dates and start times for some of these classes, you may want to look into them now. If it is not clear to you which you should consider, send me an e-mail or call me. The plan is to have a specific class that we would host and give to address the last two items in the list above. Depending on what I find out in my survey of members, we may also consider more workshops or a "buddy system" to give "newbies" (this is a very technical term!!) some one-on-one help in the beginning. Of course, we are very open to have more people participate in the learning process above, and for more people to sign up to have their own website. Let me know.