604- 922-7346 debtaylor40@telus.net The October meeting had a total attendance of 76 with three guests and two new members. They are Mrs Naoko Bagatella, a returning member, and Ms. Bernice Gilfoy. Welcome. That brings our membership to 147. Corrections; Equipment Captain Bud Wagner's phone number in the Roster on page iii at the front of the book is incorrect. Please change it in your Rosters to read 604-922-2568. Linda Bell's phone number is now 604-877-1547 Barbara Clennan's address is 103-380 Kiahanie Court. The following is a list of new and returning members for this year to date, with address and phone numbers could be clipped and placed in the back of your rosters. A ARMSTRONG, Jane 1150 Kings Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7T 2C3 A BAGATELLA, Naoko Mrs. 2008 Hyannis Drive North Vancouver, BC V7H 2E4 1994 604-922-6540 1998 604-929-7310 A GILFOY, Bernice Ms. 2002 207-1281 Parkgate Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7H 3A3 604-929-4911 EMAIL: Bernice.GilfoycolIiers.com A NIZIO, Hania J. Dr. 4725 Glenwood Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7R 4G6 A ROHANI, Maryam Rias 508 2020 Fullerton Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3C3 - 2002 604-986-2201 2000 604-913-0015 1999 604-929-4484 2002 604-922-0256 A ROSS, Janet Ms. 2084 Purcell Way North Vancouver, BC V7J 3K3 A SCOTT, William R. Dr. 1114 Hillside Road West Vancouver, BC V7S 2G4 A WHEATER, Denise 1999 P0 Box 91032 West Vancouver, BC V7V 3N3 604-925-0729 lcasde#m 6&z.4,' 4 6O- 926-9640 4a ,1temj lachtem@shaw.ca A reminder that you can now get your newsletter via e-mail (and save the Club some valuable time and expense). Just send me an e-mail indicating that you would like this option and I will get you onto our distribution list, which is growing day by day