A Incorporated 1 P.O. Box ancouver, B.C. Wsual Artists from Lions Bay to Deep Cove on the North Shore - Newsletter September, 2002 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 17,2002 St. Stephen's Church Hall, West Vancouver, BC 8d#d 74C 604- 9o-535 warnere@istar.ca Greetings. I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer and have either painted up a storm or gathered many wonderful images to stimulate you through the coming winter. I'm pleased to report that since our June meeting Margaret Merler has agreed to stand for election for the Social Director's position for this year. Thanks Margaret. We wifi complete the vote on this at the September meeting. Your new executive has had their first meeting and I am looking forward to working with this enthusiastic, experienced and energetic group. Our focus will be in three main areas increased communication with the membership, continued automation of labour intensive tasks, and increased awareness of our financial position as well as, of course, furthering the established objectives of the Club. -- On the point of increased communication, over the next short while we will be putting together a membership survey in an effort to determine clearly the make-up and wishes of the membership. Then we can more clearly focus on doing the things that members want. Watch for it and be sure to send it in there will a prize draw! - Already we have some exciting workshops and demonstrations booked for this year and some interesting new ideas stay tuned and paint on!! - Ida Wicks, long tinie member, passed away on August 20th, 2002, Ida joined the Club in 1980 and attended until about 2 years ago Ida was 93 Her family has kindly donated a quantity of art supplies to the club We will be making them available to members either through a sale or as a prize draw. A card lias been sent byUrsula Allen. 4 `STV. No report `7ea4wtm: No report `` ; . 4.?e 7eAam 604- 922-7225 Swrrc 3i9e 604- 9ff- (1665 7ea 604-922- 29Y tessj@shaw.ca The artist for our September demonstration wifi be Maggie Whyte, who paints in watercolour. She will also discuss what she, as a juror, looks for in a painting. This should be very helpful to all of us preparing for the fall jurying.