_____________________ s June, 2002 Page 3 &U ,Jchanni.ct,n 60/1-988-8233 Don't forget! Memberships expire May 31. You have until the end of June if you wish to be included in the new Roster. Also don't forget to get your designs ready for the Roster cover competition the winner will be chosen at the June meeting. -- New Members: Supporting Member Ms. Alena Mikulica 203 225 3rd St. North Vancouver, BC V7M 1E9 604-984-7060 -- Support Member Ms. Helen Chaston ii 2250 Bellevue Ave. West Vancouver, BC V7V 1C6 604-922-4907 - Supporting Member Mrs. Linda Marshik 415 E. 18Lh St. North Vancouver, BC, V7L 2Y1 604-988--69E12 6 tl6.ccn c 73 6011926-2571 wrgibson@attcanada.ca in compliance with club standing rules, the nominating committee has advised the Board of Directors that the following regular members have agreed to stand for nomination at the coming Annual General Meeting in June: Officers: rv /v\ President Edith Warner, currently Vice-President Vice-President Lorne Topham Recording Secretary Helen Ott, for a second term Treasurer Sunny Stringer, for a second term Corresponding Secretary Moraig Biagi Other Directors: Education Tessa Johnston, currently Publicity Director Exhibitions Al Spence, currently assistant to Exhibitions Director Membership Debbie Taylor Publicity & Archives Anne McMahon, currently in charge of Jurors Socials vacancy (possible replacement) Past President Heather Luccock, currently President - /V /v - - - - Cg,,i, 9estioat !xhi6uion 6 --$q.iie.isi e i' 1-8, 200: Lorne Topham provides the following information for those interested in submitted for this upcoming West Vancouver annual event. Submissions requested for display at Park Royal South Mall of artwork depicting scenes of Salmon habitat streams or waterways. Paintings no larger than 30" x 36" wired and ready for hanging. Deadline for submissions August 23, 2002. - Entry forms will be available at the next meeting.