THE FERRY BUILDING al Ambleside Landing 1414 Argyle Avenue, West Vancouver, B . C . 925-3605 Drop in every week for a new West Vancouver artist's exhibition. Nov 6-11 - Legion Remembrance Exhibit Nov 1 3 - 1 8 - C o l i n Hempsall N o v 20-25 - Marjory Andrews and V i Alexander Nov 27-Dec 2 - Five W o m a n Landscape Show Dec 4-9 - Forrest Johnson & L o m e Topham Dec 11-16 - Wendy Keene & A n n Hurst Dec 18-Jan 20 - "Gardens in G l a s s " - stained glass windows and paintings by Pari Montamedi. "The Turquoise V e s s e l " - ceramics by Pooran Azarm Darvish. Delicate works inspired by the artist's Persian heritage. Jan 22-Feb 3 - "The Meditation Series" by Laura McCreery-Jordan. Large scale paintings: spontaneous bursts of pure colour revealing the artists spiritual vision. Winter Hours: October 1 - M a y 1: Tuesday 11 am - 8 pm Wednesday to Sunday 11-5 MUSIC IN THE GALLERY M u s i c a l hour on Sundays from 2 to 3 pm in the Ferry B u i l d i n g . Presented by the Vancouver A c a d e m y of M u s i c . CAROL SHIP CELEBRATION Carols, C o c o a , Bonfires & Lights - Sunday, December 16, 7:30 pm Ambleside Park, West Vancouver If you belong to a carolling group and are looking for an audience, call 925-3605. Sponsored by the Department of Parks and Recreation and the Ambleside/Tiddlycove Lions C l u b . The Ferry Building at Ambleside Landing WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL TALKS Ferry B u i l d i n g , Thursdays at 7 pm October 4 - The Early Bus System Presented by Rupert Harrison October 11 - The History of the Lighthouses Presented by Donald Graham October 18 - The First M a y Days Presented by Bernard Holt October 25 - The Eariy School Boards Presented by Berhard Holt November 8 - The History o f Horseshoe Bay WEST VANCOUVER RECREATION CENTRE VICTORIA ART GALLERIES TOUR Wednesday, November 14 - 7:30 am - 7 pm V i s i t some o f V i c t o r i a ' s finest Galleries, including the A A Gallery o f Greater Victoria. T o preregister for the tour, contact the West V a n couver Recreation Centre - 780-22nd Street, 925-3605. WEST VANCOUVER SKETCH CLUB D o you need space to paint? The West Vancouver Sketch C l u b invites you to come to Klee W i c k on M o n d a y s from 9:00 am 1:00 pm. $3 per session for non-club members: $2 for club members. N o formal tuition but mutual support and advice. Presented by Tom Sewell A I R S POLICY IN NORTH VANCOUVER A s a member of the North Vancouver Community Arts Council, I am interested in the cultural health of our City. By strenghtening our community arts scene we will make our City a more enjoyable and livable place. Therefore I want the City of North Vancouver to develop formal policies on the arts within the framework of the North Shore Cultural Plan. Some things that should be included in that policy are: *that we develop by-laws that aim putting 1% of the cost of a new development toward art. (At present Seattle has an Art Bonusing Program and Vancouver has passed a by-law for 1 % art content.) *any Arts Policy should contain a provision for maintenance of public works of art. *if vandalism of natural damage makes the work of art unfit for public display we should have a policy for decommisioning. BOB FEARNLEY C a n d i d a t e for A l d e r m a n i n The City of North Vancouver 5