NVCAC each meets o n the t h i r d T u e s d a y o f at 7:30 p . m . (Locations The North and West Vancouver C o m m u nity A r t s C o u n c i l s are assisted b y the C u l tural S e r v i c e s B r a n c h , B . C . M i n i s t r y ot M u n i c i p a l Affairs, Recreation and Culture a n d the three N o r t h S h o r e M u n i c i p a l i t i e s . ARTS COUNCIL'S BOARD MEETINGS are o p e n to a n y o n e as observers. If y o u w i s h to m a k e a p r e s e n t a t i o n , m a k e arrangements beforehand, please. month vary).Phone: 988-6844. W V C A C meets e v e r y s e c o n d T u e s d a y o f e a c h m o n t h at 7 : 3 0 p . m . at K l e e W y c k . 2 0 0 West Keith Road, W . V . Phone: 922-1110. PHONE NUMBERS: NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 988-6844 WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL 922-lUO NEV/ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONS - Plea.se make sure lo send yours to tlie appropriate Arts Council. To save confusion, there are two separate applications tielow one for North Vancouver Community Arts Council and one for West Vancouver Community Arts Council. If you wish to join both, all to the good. Your patronage enables you to participate in our special programs, receive our newsletter and support the cultural development of your community. All DONATIONS will have a tax receipt issued. Supporting and patron members will receive a tax receipt for the amount minus the membership costs. NEVi MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL PHONE NUMBER (res.)_ Are you a resident of N.V. District INDIVIDUAL DONATION $11 $ FAMILY N.V. City $16 Other_ GROUP $26 SENIOR/STUDENT $4 _ POSTAL CODE_ . This is a NEW membership SUPPORTING MEMBER..$101 This is a RENEWAL. CORPORATE $51 Please make cheques payable to NORTH VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL. 333 Chesterfield ave. North Vancouver, B.C. V7M 3G9. Include this section with appropriate application: ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A VOLUNTEER? YES Special interests: Theatre Arts Literary Arts Music Dance NO FilmA'ideo Visual Arts Other NEV/ MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL . POSTAL CODE_ PHONE NUMBER (RES.)_ INDIVIDUAL $10 FAMILY Fee enclosed: $15 GROUP $50 PATRON $100 Please send cheques to WEST VANCOUVER COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL Klee Wyck. 200 Keith Road. West Vancouver, B.C. V7T 1L3 12