a PORTUNITIES C A L L FOR SUBMISSIONS The C o m m u n i t y Arts C o u n c i l of Vancouver is accepting proposals for exhibitions in its Davie Street gallery. The C o m m u n i t y Arts C o u n c i l Gallery exhibits work by local emerging artists and artisans and arts groups working in any visual medium. Deadline for submitting exhibition proposals is January 31, 1991, Submission forms are available at the C o m m u n i t y Arts C o u n c i l Gallery or by sending a S T A M P E D , S E L F - A D D R E S S E D envelope to: G A L L E R Y SUBMISSION FORM C o m m u n i t y Arts C o u n c i l o f Vancouver 837 Davie Street, Vancouver, B . C . V 6 Z 1B7 Telephone: 683-4358 LITERARY PILGRIMAGE TO ENGLAND April 9 - 2 4 , 1991 Jan de B r u y n . former University o f British Columbia literature professor, w i l l lead this literary tour of England. The itinerary is an ideal combination of organized and leisure time, from Ihe sensory overload of the L o n d o n metropolis to the natural beauty of the L a k e District. Professor de Bruyn has designed the itinerary that includes not only locations and events of high literary interest but also activities related to the people and times of the literary settings. Fortour information please contact Joy Smith, Capilano College Extension Programs, (604) 984-4907). Program in Arts Journalism at The Banff Centre June 3-28, 1991, The Program us created to recognize the status and raise the standards of arts journalism in Canada. D u r i n g the four weeks from June 3 to 28 the participants the director, senior arts journalists, many artists and guest lecturers. Seven M a c l e a n Hunter scholarships w i l l be awarded for the 1991 session. Participants w i l l receive transportation to and from Banff, and meals and accommodation. In addition each arts journalist w i l l receive a $300.00 fee for the essay. Applications should arrive in Banff by N o v e m ber 23, 1990. Successful candidates w i l l be notified by December 15, 1990. For more information contact: The Registrar, The Program in Arts Journalism, The Banff Centre for the Arts, Box 1020, Banff, Alberta, Canada T O L OCO, Telephone: 403 762-6180, Fax: 403 762-6345. ATTENTION ALL VISUAL ARTISTS: IMAGES AND OBJECTS IX TAKES NEW DIRECTION On Sunday, M a r c h 3, 1991 all entries for the annual B . C . Festival o f the Arts show w i l l be judged for the North Shore, Whistler and Squamish communities by qualified jurors chosen by the Assembly o f B . C . Arts C o u n cils. This year the final show, w h i c h w i l l be held in North Vancouver in M a y , offers a new challenge to visual artists. First, the focus of the show is shifting from its traditional "search f o r e x c e l l e n c e " - a n external search by the jurors, to a "search for meaning" - an internal and personal search on the part of the individual artists. Next, artists are invited to create a work within a thematic context: "Creative A p proaches to Community Issues". Work which expresses in a unique and personal way a sense of identity and place which has a social meaning for the viewer as well as a personal, internal meaning for the artist. Artists who wish to work as they always have will be free to do so as the exhibition w i l l continue to have an open section as well as the new thematic component. Artists are welcome to submit works to either section or to both. The exact location o f the j u r y i n g for the North Shore works w i l l be announced at a later date. Please call either Arts C o u n c i l offices for further information. North V a n couver C A C 988-6844 or West Vancouver C A C 922-1110. ART GECKO "art M'ith the environment in mind" 2458 H a y w o o d Avenue, West Vancouver ART GECKO was established in February, 1990. The purpose of the school was to offer an area for children, as well as adults, to create magic. Such an area, using an "Open Studio" as a concept, enables everyone to explore their own creative talents. Painting and Drawing, Pottery and C l a y (using hand building techniques) and a M u l t i - M e d i a area are all part of the Open Studio, A r t G e c k o bases itself with the environment in mind, using water-soluble paints, unleaded glazes, recycled paper, and reuse of items for the multimedia class. During the early summer. A r t G e c k o was approached by C B C television which was covering the environment on a show named " D o w n to Earth". This was a great honour for the school, as it was dubbed "Environmentalist of the Week". Children attacked the beach at Whytecliff Park and scavenged the shore. The end result was the construction of a make-believe mountain resort, which was christened Mount Garajunky! Art G e c k o would like to thank all those involved in the project with & $ a special thank you to Sally Halliday for her fine efforts, and to C B C for producing a program geared toward making people aware o f the state of the environment. A l l the December workshops w i l l be centered around Christmas. For any art classes and workshop information please call (604) 922-7433 Women in Focus Gallery is calling for submissions for their group exhibit: T R A U M A / S U R V I V A L , encompassing all media. The exhibition, open to all B . C . women artists is planned for the F a l l o f 1991 .For more info concact:Wonem in Focus, 849 Beatty St. Vancouver, V 6 B 2 M 6 , Telephone:682-5848 /· Deep Cove Stage Gang presents it's 11th Christmas Panto "Tom, The Piper's Son" Presentation House, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, December 20th through January 5th. Early Bird Tickets Available: $6.00 G e n eral admission; November 1st until November, call 9861351 or 929-3231 11