jy|sic WEST VANCOUVER YOUTH BAND Registration The Band is now recruiting for the 1990/91 season. Registration for new members, with or without previous musical experience (Grades 5-12), w i l l be held on Wednesday September 12, 1990 in the band room at Irwin Park Elementary School from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. A n y o n e requiring further information about the West Vancouver Youth Band or those interested in pre-registration should contact the Registrar, Susan Gardner, 926-9417. G a r a g e Sale A s a fund raiser for the Senior Band trip to a Florida music festival during the 1991 Spring break the Band w i l l be holding a garage sale on October 13, 1990. A n y o n e with donations for the sale should contact L i n d a Buttjes, 9262023. 60th A n n i v e r s a r y 1991 is the sixtieth anniversary o f the formation of the West Vancouver Band. Anyone who would like to be involved in acommittee to plan a celebration of this event should contact Patti Kluckner, 921-8204. MUSIC '91 COMMUNITY SHOWCASE From M a y to October 1991. Music '91 will bring to all regions of British Columbia a dazz l i n g and varied entertainment package of festivals, tours and events. From country to classical, rock ' n ' roll to ragtime, and gospel to bluegrass, M U S I C '91 w i l l bring the wonder and excitement of live performance to communities across B . C . lighting up the summer with top quality entertainment. Within the scope of this six month musical extravaganza, there will be plenty of room for the nonprofessional performer. M U S I C '91 C O M M U N I T Y S H O W C A S E celebrates the joy of music by creating a variety of single performance or touring opportunities for the thousands of amateur performers who are expected to participate. A l l applicants who meet the nonprofessional criteria are welcome including: vocal ensembles: marching bands: pipers: jazz groups: concert bands; multicultural musicians. Single performance or louring opportunities across B . C . may include performances at celebrations, festivals, jamborees, country fairs, parades and special events. For more information contact John M . Trepp or Patrick Roberge at (604) 689-1991. always looking tor new members. This venerable institution was started in 1932 and has had a continuous record of success and service to the North Shore community. The band has a broad range of offerings including Sousa Marches. B i g Band Swing, Broadway Musicals, and assorted popular musical numbers from every decade from the gaslight era to the 1990's. Membership consists of approximately 50 members in the Senior Band and some 15 members in the Junior/Intermediate section. Practices are held on Thursday nights, 8:00 p m at Irwin Park School in West Vancouver. About one half of the members live in North Vancouver and one half in West Vancouver. Presently the Band could use a Tuba player, flutes, clarinets and saxophones, however, all instruments are most welcome. For further i n formation call John Bergeron 925-1458 or M o r ris Physich 987-2560. WEST VANCOUVER ADULT POPS BAND is BRITISH COLUMBIA BOYS CHOIR November/December North Shore Concerts: November 24 West Vancouver United Church, 8 pm 2062 Esquimau Avenue, West Vancouver Autumn Concert Tickets: Adults - S6; Seniors & under 18 -$4 December 7 North Vancouver Centennial Theatre. 8 pm North Shore Festival o f Choirs Tickets: tba December 8 Lonsdale Quay Market, North Vancouver. 12 pm December 14 Christmas Festival of M u s i c . 7 pm Free December 15 St.David'sUnitedChurch,6 pm 1525 T a y l o r W a y . West Vancouver A n n u a l Traditional Christmas Dinner & Concert. T i c k ets: tba For further information: Donna Wong-Juliani (926-5230) VANCOUVER CHILDREN NORTH SHORE MUSIC CHOIR ACADEMY sponsored by the CongreDecember 18 Christmas Concert at H o l l y b u m House, West Vancouver November 11 Senior Members - Remembrance Day Service at Christchurch Cathedral December 17 A l l choirs & Cathedral C h o i r at Christchurch Cathedral gation of West Vancouver Baptist Church. The goal of the Academy is to create enthusiastic students who develop musical skills, abilities and a love of music. This year the programs have been expanded to include Suzuki Piano and V i o l i n and individual instruction in such instruments as trumpet, saxophone, guitar, flute, harp, bass, viola. Classes are held at the West Vancouver Baptist Church, 450 Mathers. T o start each year off, the school has a Faculty Recital to introduce the teachers to the students, their families and to the community. This year the recital had everything from jazz to classical. The faculty are all professional, performing musicians and include members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. Monthly student recitals give the students the opportunity to perform and help build self worth. For information about programs please contact Mrs. Patricia Nisbet 263-9563 or 922-0911. PRO NOVA STRING QUARTET The District of West Vancouver is hosting a Chamber M u s i c series, featuring the Pro N o v a String Quartet in the Ferry B u i l d i n g at A m b l e side L a n d i n g . The Quartet has enjoyed outstanding success both on the North Shore and across Vancouver. They have been featured on the C B C " s West Coast performance series and their concerts are now being broadcast regularly on Vancouver C o - o p radio. They w i l l be performing on December 6 at 7:30 pm and again on February 21 and A p r i l 25. Tickets are available for purchase at the West Vancouver Recreation Centre. For more information, please call 926-3266. 8