Fabric Arts B.C. HERITAGE QUILT PROJECT yM hold quilt registration days at the Vancouver Museum on April 3rd and May 8th between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. owners are invited to bring old quilts, quilt tops and comforts for identification and registration. The quilts can have been made anywhere, the sole criteria being that they were M A D E PRIOR TO 1970. A history of the quilt and quiltmaker will be part of the registration. The fee to register a quilt is only $3 and includes admission to the exhibition "Plain and Fancy: Quilts Then and Now" (including quilting demonstrations) in the Museum which continues to May 29. The information, gathered through this and other registrations throughout Canada, could be used for education and research purposes in thefieldsof folklore, local history, women's studies and art and other related fields. QUILT CANADA 89 CONFERENCE will be held at U.B.C.fi-omMay 23 to 27. During the conference the PACIFIC PERCEPTIONS QUILT SHOW wUl be at the Asian Centre, U.B.C. Free. CANADUVN QUILT STUDY GROUP for the purpose of discussing the formation of an organization to study the history of quiltmaking in Canada will be held Friday, May 26 from 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. at U.B.C.'s Henry Angus Bldg. Anyone interested in attending or just receiving information on any of the above should contact Nancy Cameron Armstrong, 123 East Windsor Road, North Vancouver, V7N 1J9 Ph. 984-7504. Nancy is keen that interested N.S. residents join in these activities as there is nothing comparable so far on the North Shore. Another contact for Fabric Arts, NORTH SHORE NEEDLE ARTS GUILD - Lucille Little 922-1574. | N. S. MUSEUM and ARCHIVES at 209 West 4th St. N.V. is open Wed. to Sun. 1 - 4 p.m. FREE "Museum Alphabet" uses many items from the Museum's own collection and will have people guessing as to origins and uses as they follow through the A's and B's to the Z's. This show will continue to the end of the school year. May 14 is North Shore EXPLORER DAY The objective is to create awareness of the area attractions so we will be better able to make informed recommendations to visitors. FREE admissions and/or special offers along with Explorer buttons, guidebooks and maps should encourage many of us to get out and EXPLORE T H E NORTH SHORE. Sounds like fun for the whole family. Look for more information on this in the weeks to come, especially on B.C. Transit and from The North Shore Tourism Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Phone 987-4488. " T H E ART OF A M U T U A L AFFAIR" The North Shore Association of the Mentally Handicapped with the assistance of the W.V. Community Arts Council is sponsoring an evening with original artwork by established and novice artists at Klee Wyck, Saturday, May 27, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. This semi-formal affair with wine, hors-d'oeuvres and refined music has the makings of an exquisite and memorable occasion. Call Pamela MacDonald at 984-9321 for info. TWIN GRAPHICS Complete Graphic Arts Service DESIGN TO FINISHED PRINTED PRODUCT PHONE: 980-1700 FAX: 980-6593 1613 R o s s R o a d , North V a n c o u v e r , B . C . V 7 J 1V6 Sylvan . . . a beautijul blend of unique and locally created Crafts and Pottery 3080 Edgemom Blvd.. North Vancouver, B.C. Canada V7R 2N4 (604) 986^63 LTD. "lUe eoH ptouide yim uiifk a tmlfijAx. |)ie-|iieu t&uuce. iHcbulix^ a)(l/|)o«ie-u|). mUfviewj/d lifHi msDMii and jitoie miuHq." PHONE: (604) 929-4116 FAX: (604) 929-6645 iypeteUiHg. FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. CALL 7