.0^ CANADA'S PICTURE FRAMERS THE FRAMING EXPERIENCE 1509 Lonsdale Avenue ask about our A R T I S T ' S DISCOUNT 986-1616 North Vancouver B.C. FESTIVAL OF T H E ARTS VH This year's Festival will be held in Chilliwack, May 24 to 28, and is a "must see" for all Lower Mainland residents. The "Images & Objects V H " Show of Visual Arts brings together art works from all over B.C. The 250 - 300 pieces of "juried" work will include painting, fabric arts, ceramics, photography, sculpture and prints. A fmal jurying at Chilliwack will select First, Second and Third certificates plus several "Honourable Mention" awards. A popular "Visitors' Choice" Award is also selected by visitors' vote. This is a magnificent show. It is fresh, diverse and truly British Columbian. DON'T MISS IT. Last year, die Festival was held at Kimberley and die "Images & Objects" show was at the top of a ski mountain in a tennis dome. It was so popular diat bus loads of people were constanUy coming in from surrounding towns. People who had never been to an Art gallery were coming back widi their friends. . You will also see die eight works selected from our North Shore Region. 91 Artists entered 224 works of art and the winners whose works will go on to Chilliwack are C L A Y ANDERSON, C O L E E N C O S G R O V E , JAMES FELTER, JORGE E . P. GARCIA, RUTH Q. GRANT, MARY SAVAGE, HLL SOUTHERN and PAT TIPPING. Receiving Honorable Mentions in the N.S. Jurying were M A Y SANCHEZ, MONICA SHELTON, DICK STOUT, SHANNON WARDROPER and JANE WOLSAK. Congratulations to all! Several Visual Arts Workshops are scheduled for participants. In addition young musicians, singers, dancers, speech arts and theatre students will be competing for the top Provincial awards. Drop in to hear their efforts and by all means, try to get tickets for the "Showcase of die Winners"! You will be amazed and delighted with die talent in our Province. The Assembly of B.C. Arts Councils, representing die 90-1- Arts Councils in the Province, is the organizer of die "Images & Objects VII" Visual Arts Show. Other groups participating are Association of B.C. Drama Educators, B.C. Association of Performing Arts Festivals, B.C. Student Film and Video Society and Pacific Coast Music Festivals Association. The Festival is supported by the Province of B.C. Lottery Funds, Yamaha Canada, Air B.C., Overwaitea Foods and Apple Canada Inc. Ella Parkinson, Executive Director, NVCAC. WEST V A N . SKETCH CLUB will have a "juried" Spring Show at Park Royal North from April 16 to 23. The Sketch Club invites anyone to attend their meetings at 7:30 on die diird Tuesday of every mondi at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, 885 22nd St. W.V. Information Jennifer Stone 980-0358. 9