WESTVANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY West Vancouver Memories BITS A N D PIECES By-Law Change re Auditor Passed at A G M At the May 14, 2014 Annual General Meeting of the Society the motion from the Board re By-Law Partg, subsections 4 4 and 45 dealing with the appointment at every A G M of an Auditor were changed to read that the Board shall have a Financial Review before each Annual General Meeting and that the Board shall appoint an independent Accountant or Company to prepare such a Financial Review was unanimously passed by members present at the meeting. The rationale for the motion is that the cost of an Audit was becoming prohibitive. volume 31, number 3 September 2014 68017th Street, West Vancouver, B C , V 7 V 3 T 2 phone: (778) 279-2235 email: wvhs@shaw.ca web site: wvhs.ca BOARD MEMBERS President and Vice President vacant Convenor - Tom Wardell Treasurer - Marilyn Rhodes Secretary - Pam Dalik Membership - Wendy Topham Newsletter - Dave Barker Social - vacant Speakers - vacant Municipal Liaison - Rod Day Lighthouse Liaison - Elaine Graham Web Site and Time Traveller - Rob Morris Ferry Book - Jim Carter Directors at Large Ann Brousson Barb Hunter Carolanne Reynolds Evangeline Thiele Historical Society Receives Community Grant from West Vancouver Municipality On June 23, 2014, Rob Morris received a cheque for $1350 from the Municipality's Community Grant Program at a ceremony at the West Van Lawn Bowling Club. These hinds are earmarked to defray the cost of researching and implementing a digital distribution of the Society's newsletter, Memories. Our thanks go to the Municipality for this grant. ^ 1 i 1 i ; , ^ : ; Ì i A n Examination of Our Current Mandate If you read our mandate as stated on our web site you will find that much of it has to do with things we no longer do. There has been a great change in the Society's relationship with the Museum over the past few years. In the beginning the Society was sort of an auxiliary to the Archival Museum that was then in existence. Our chief mandate was to collect archival material and providefinancialsupport for the Museum. Currently it is no longer an Archival Museum, rather it is now an Art and Architectural Museum. The funds they need are not something we can supply We must adapt to the new reality Currently we support the Archives through fund raising projects and assistance where needed. Therefore, a committee will be struck this fall to examine the current mandate and recommend an amended one. Stay tuned. NEW MEMBERS ] J The West Van Historical Society welcomes the \ Important Dates for 2014-2015 for the Society following new members to the Society ' General Meetings for the Membership 1 . Virginia Bird ; · Wednesday, September 17 2014 - West Van Seniors' Centre 2 . Jim Boyd ^ · Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - West Van Seniors' Centre 3. Cathy Cave · Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - West Van Seniors' Centre 4 . Don Evans · Annual General Meeting - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 - West Van Seniors' 5. Judy Gosney Centre 6. Margaret Keene All meetings begin at 7 pm. The public is welcome to all General Meetings. 7. Dave Lawson The speakers for each meeting will be announced in the Memories issue 8. Val Marshall preceding the meeting. 9. Mary Markwick 10. Jan Moger We encourage the acquisition of new members. We will be 11. Chenai Tukiso Muzondo including your membership renewal forms in the next issue. 12. N.Jill Newby Encourage friends and relatives to join and help us preserve 13. Evangeline Thiele West Vancouver's history. 14. DonVaughan page 2