West Vancouver Historical Society Horseshoe Bay Park by Heinz Berger, L.M.B.C.S.L.A., F.C.S.L.A. - former West Vancouver Parks Manager In 1961 we removed the remains of the old Horseshoe Bay Waterfront Hotel. The concrete floor and part of the foundation walls were left to be used as a picnic area (we did not have sufficient funds to remove them). Because the Parks Department staff had built a new concrete block building providing dressing rooms and toilet facilities close to the road, the old hotel building was no longer needed. In the 1950's and early 6o's the boat launching ramp in Horseshoe bay was operated by a part-time Parks D e p a r t m e n t staff member but the Parks Department boat rental facility was leased to Mr. and Mrs. McKee. After Mr. McKee passed away his wife Sheila operated the business successfully herself I seemed to remember she did so until the Sewell Family took over. The Sewell's now operated their own large Marina on the left side of the government wharf as well as the small Parks Department Marina close to the Black Ball Ferries. As a centennial project we built a large playground including a special play-scape in the park. I got an award for the play-scape in Copenhagen. The playscape was later removed by my successor. The West Vancouver real estate people, as they did every year, asked "What can we do for Parks this year?" I said "Since Horseshoe Bay is an old Indian territory, how about an interesting and colourful Totem Pole." We received a Totem Pole and erected it in the middle of the park close to the waterfront. At a later date we received another Totem Pole which was erected close to the new B C Ferries landing site. We built a small play area nearby. 1 cannot remember the details but 1 think the Totem Pole was donated by the Ferry Corporation. 1 was told that the Parks Department had a food concession in the park some time previously but some local business owners were not too happy about it, particularly Joe Troll. Consequently the concession was removed. Next to the boat launching ramp was a large sewage holding tank which serviced the total Horseshoe Bay area, it was regularly emptied by a large tank truck. They drove to Whytecliffe Park and released the stinking mess close to the viewing area over the granite rock into the ocean. Eventually this was stopped and they had to release it into the North Shore Sewer system. At a later date. Horseshoe Bay was connoted to the North Shore sewer system by a pumping station. Such a mess would shortly thereafter not be possible as the Parks Department established the first Canadian Underwater Park around Whytecliffe Park with the great help of two diving clubs and the Department of Fisheries. Also, the government pier in Horseshoe Bay was turned over to the West Vancouver Municipality Every year Horseshoe Bay had a very large International Salmon Derby. The salmon were big but the prices even bigger. Special airline flights arrived, especially from Japan. When the Ferry Corporation assembled land in Horseshoe Bay for a large parking lot, West Vancouver informed them that all large parking lots had to be screened, preferably with evergreen plant material. The Ferry Corporation answered that they did not have to obey Municipal bylaws but that they were willing to discuss the matter. I was told to meet with the Ferry Manager. Since our nursery man Chariie Pond had once again produced too many evergreens for our own consumption, 1 was hoping to sell many of them to the Ferry Corporation. The Ferry Manager and 1 met and when lunch time approached I suggested that we go to Joe Troll's to have something to eat. 1 knew Joe very well. I also knew his Black Forest hometown very well. We went, sat down and ordered sandwiches. After we finished, Joe brought each of us a big piece of apple pie. The Ferry Manager said " 1 did not order this!" Joe responded with "Shut up and eat it." Joe asked me "Who is this guy anyway?" 1 told him. Back at the future parking lot I made the Ferry Corp a good offer. It was accepted and we got rid of a lot of nursery stock to screen the parking lot for which the Ferry Corporation paid. page 6