The 1949 Capilano Bridge Washout, Gord Fullerton and Vic Cue by Donn Gardner Fullerton and other than the original In late November 1949 the North newspaper coverage he was shore was inundated with a 20 year becoming a forgotten man. record 9.2 inches of rain.The He was not forgotten by Vic Cue as it Capilano River rose 10 feet overnight was Vic who spearheaded the and at 2 pm on November 26th, the Fullerton Athletic Award in honour of Bridge approaches were swept away, Gord. In 1953,1 was the first West isolating West Vancouver There is a story here but bear in mind van High recipient. The award is still the most prestigious basketball award that Caveat #1 - I was a mere 13 year old boy whose main interest was given at West Van Secondary. Vic and his brother Al were quite the sports; current events were not elevated basketball players and I had the good in my level of consciousness and Caveat #2 - If there be exaggeration fortune of playing with them in a it is only for the purpose of emphasis, senior commercial league after and 64 years after the event any facts graduation. However Vic did more than play cited may truthfully only be assumptions. basketball. As one of six boys, his Not withstanding, there is no fiaion older brother Geoff motivated him presented. to become involved in coaching A I 10 foot Bailey Bridge was wheelchair basketball which quickly constructed but it too was swept became Vic's passion. away on December I st On that day Competition for his team was limited about 40,000 sandbags totaling and in 1953 he arranged an 2,000 tons of sand were used to dike exhibition game with our West Van the overflowing Capilano and High senior boy's team. Our original Seymour rivers. thought was that this would hardly be Unfortunately a 24 year old man a competitive game and we placing the sandbags was swept to his confidently arrived at the gym death. expecting easy victory. We got In essence, twice in 5 days the thumped, embarrassingly so. Vic residents of West Van were isolated arranged other games and we from downtown Vancouver became competitive but never Food and supplies were eventually victorious. I was selected along with received by emergency ferry service. 7 other chaps from lower mainland The immediate reaction of citizens schools to play at a UBC preliminary was to stock up on groceries.Two exhibition to either aThunderbird days after the bridge went down I collegiate encounter or a Senior A walked into the grocery store in the league game involving the Eilers 1400 block of Marine Drive where Jewelers, either which might have my Dad was working and I was included Jim Carter who played for simply amazed with the empty both at one time or another We got shelves. All I can remember seeing thumped in our wheelchair game were 3 cans of dog food. even with 7 high scoring guys. After the river subsided, I, along with Vic went on to become head coach a number of buddies, stood on the of the Men's National Wheelchair river bank to view the remnants of Basketball team which in 1968 placed the bridge and wondered who was 8th in its first ever Paralympic Games this chap who lost his life while in Tel Aviv. In 1995 he was the first sandbagging. His name was Gord coach to be named to the National Hall of Fame. Vic was a true pioneer in this sport in which since 2000 Canada has become a powerhouse and gold medal winners at the 2012 London Olympics.We salute Gord Fullerton and Vic Cue, both West Vancouver heroes for their sacrifice and contributions to the community. Capilano Washout ThompsonFamily Fonds 274.WVA.THO:West Vancouver Archives · 49.036.VWA.BPP West Van Archives page 4