WEST VANCOUVER HISTORICAL SOCIETY 680-17th S t . , West Vancouver, BC, V7V- 3T2 Phone: 778-279-2235 e - m a i l : wvhs@shaw.ca w e b - s i t e : wvhs.ca "West Vancouver Memories" Volume 30, Number 1 It is Society p o l i c y : · that every e f f o r t i s made to ensure that a l l a r t i c l e s are accurate but the Society takes no responsibility for inaccuracies · that opinions expressed i n contributions and presentations are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Society · that excerpts from the newsletter must be a t t r i b u t e d to "The West Vancouver Historical society" and reproductions i n whole or i n part are not permitted without the express authorization of the Society. down the banks of that hole on our one sleigh and cardboard boxes.. If As stated in "The President's we had a really good run we would Message" ttie Society hopes to collect end up on Marine Drive (traffic was personal memories of growing up in lighter then- see picture below). West Vancouver by current citizens. I was really into Dinky Toys and To start off here is one of mine. building villages and roads in the bank. The fire in late October at Tasos I left them there overnight. There was restaurant brought back some old a mud slide. I think my Dinky Toys are memories. We lived across the lane at still under that building. 1348 Clyde after the war. After they built Lettner's people In the late 40's they cleared away moved into the suites on the top floor the cottages on the north side of A little gid who lived there was a Manne Drive and dug a large hole for playmate and her father was an the building which eventually housed amateur acton He was appearing in Tasos. This new building housed as I "Snow White", at what I think was the remember Lettner's Meat Market and Orpheum, as the hunter who set out to Bill's Barbershop amongst other stores kill Snow White. I never liked him after on the main floor. Suites were above. that. They dug that big hole, level at This was my introduction to live Marine and raised along the lane, with theatre which eventually led to my a real steam shovel. What an career as theatre teacher attraction that hole and shovel held for A hole can bring back so many an eight year old. That winter we slid happy memories. Personal Memories Teddy Willington ( s t a n d i n g ) a n d me ( o n t h e sleigh ) a t the Hole i n 1948. Marine Drive i n t h e snow i n 1940. L o o k i n g e a s t 16th Street . West Van Archives 0361.WVA.RAH from [6]