the Orenda BAS'S PLACE - A Trip to Hawaii Back in the 1960's a young man in Undaunted, Geordie tried again West Van by the name of Geordie with a new craft in 1972. This new Tocker began to experiment with a 42 foot craft was fashioned from personal belief shared by many cedar. He set out again on May 14, adventurers associated with the 1978 from the Bayshore Inn. He South Pacific. Thor Heyerdahl was made it to Hawaii. one of these. Geordie believed that Both of his crafts were named the natives of Polynesia originally camefromPeru some 4000 years ago. These were replaced about 2000 years ago by native people from the Pacific Coast of British Columbia. There were many traditions, customs and religious similarities that indicated this. true. In the late 60's Geordie spent Orenda. Bas Collins has a video tape he made with Geordie discussing his upcoming voyage in 1971. It also has shots of his disaster off San Franciso. The tape also contains a documentary made by Geordie on the carving of both vessels. the outdrigger canoe fastened to the main hull for the second and Pictured at l e f t i s the Orenda outrigger canoe. Photo by John Moir . P i c t u r e d below i s a model o f t h e second and s u c c e s s f u l Orenda. Model by Bas Collins . Photo by David Barker Corporate Sponsors The West Vancouver Historical Society wishes t o thank t h e f o l l o w i n g f o r t h e i r support. - B r i t i s h P a c i f i c Properties - Chapman Land S u r v e y i n g - Dr. Bryan H i c k s , I n c . - H o l l y b u r n F u n e r a l Home - Dave's Auto Body Shop - B a r r y ' s Automotive S e r v i c e - Laura M i l l a r - R o y a l Canadian L e g i o n Branch #60 - C a p i l a n o G o l f and C o u n t r y Club - Wetmore Motors, L t d - Simpson Home Hardware - Ancor E n t e r p r i s e s - Silicon-by-the-Sea Ltd. - School D i s t r i c t #45 - The D i s t r i c t o f West Vancouver (through t h e i r 2012 A s s i s t a n c e Program) Geordie decided to prove that it was But Bas being Bas, has an artifact - several years carving a 50 foot long successful voyage - it is a dugout canoe with outrigger from a fir tree. canoe in its ownright.Bas also In 1971 he set sail. Unfortunately his project was scuttled. made a model of the second craft. Another in Bas's collection of unique Wesl Van artifacts. [5] he hit rocks near San Francisco and Both are pictured above.