History-onics (West Vancouver, BC: West Vancouver Historical Society), 1 May 2012, p. 11

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Dundarave Pier continued So I ignored the report and started rebuilding. We placed the rip rap,filledthe pier, installed underground wiring for lighting, uistaUed lighting standards, paved the surface, installed donated fencing as well as planters and West Vancouver benches. Sand and gravel would build up against the rip rap on the west side but in the next heavy down pour Marr Creek would wash it all into the ocean. At a later date, we tunneled under the pier and had the creek outlet move to the east side of the pier. Now, a lot of material has hvolt up against the rip rap but it is as good today as the first day it was installed. People are generally very happy with the rebuilt ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ^ Wednesday, M a y 16th. West Van Seniors Centre 7p m Speaker: B a r r i e Chapman Same's talk is a light-hearted look at the telecommunicatior)s history of WestVancouver. It is based on the book written byWestVan resident Barrie Chapman in 1994, for the West Van Museum and Archives. Bections for next year's Historical Society's Board will also take place. Topic: So, ...Where Were You When the Phone Rang? broke the light globes so we had to became the western anchor of our Dimdarave Pier and its swim float spend a lot of money and very successful West Vancouver - except the same yo\mg people piu-chase Lexan globes which are Seawalk. hang out at night. They shot and indestructible. Later, the pier CORPORATE SPONSORS The West V a n c o u v e r H i s t o r i c a l S o c i e t y w i s h e s to t h a n k t h e following for theip generous support. B r i t i s h Pacific P r o p e r t i e s Chapman L a n d Surveying Dr. B r y a n H i c k s , Inc. Hollybiirn F u n e r a l Home Dave's A u t o B o d y S h o p Barry's Automotive Service Laura Millar R o y a l C a n a d i a n L e g i o n B r a n c h #60 Capuano Golf a n d Co\mtry Club Wetmore M o t o r s , L t d . N e w Corporate Sponsors are welcome. F e e is $ 3 5 . page 7 Simpson Home Hardware A n c o r Enterprises Silicon-by-the-Sea.Ltd. School District #45 (West V a n c o u v e r ) N o r t h Shore D r i v i n g School T h e District of West V a n c o u v e r ( t h r o u g h their 2011 Assistance Program)