with notable professional credentials. Bom in Bath, England, on September 7, 1907, she obtained library and archive degrees, as well as becoming a Fellow of the Library Association of Britain. She returned home to work as a librarian in the Bath Library, which was world renowned for its rare manuscripts. Being proficient in Latin, she was highly valued as a translator for the many researchers who visited its collection. was her marriage to the late Alfred Musto that brought her to Canada in 1938. She worked for seven years at the Vancouver Public Library under Edgar Stewart Robinson before her tenure at the West Vancouver Memorial Library. (^izabeth Musto never led a marginal existence; she was a member of the West Vancouver Soroptimist Club and of both the Canadian and BC library associations. At the Library her presence remains legendary. Following the 1979 building expansion, the Elizabeth Musto Room, located in the Library’s west wing, was named in her honour. Even following her retirement in 1972, she continued to attend most of the important library functions until her passing on August 22, 2001 at the age of 94. The original library still stands between the expansions at the very centre of what continues to be the heart of Elizabeth Musto’s home. Mrs. Musto has no surviving relatives. However, her adopted family is Glennie Robson who worked with her at the Library and has never since left her side. [Steve Williams]