July 2000 LIBRARY NEWS djhe Internet The Internet has become a major tool of almost all public libraries. The West Vancouver Memorial Library now has 17 Internet stations available for public use. You can sign up for time on them. You can also get training. This summer, we have a special position funded by a provincial program called Youth@BC. We will be offering a variety of training sessions and you can sign up at the Adult Fiction Desk on the main floor. The Internet is literally composed of more information than could possible fit in any one library and there really is some- thing for everyone. Here are only a few of the things you can do on the Internet: Find a recipe Tour a museum Read a newspaper from another country Listen to jazz radio Buy a birthday present for a friend Order a rare book Make a plane reservation Find a specialized support group Find out about a prescription drug Research an historical event Check on current legislation Make a reservation on the Ferry Find a limo service and a day spa in Toronto Research your family history and of course... Find library catalogues from all over the world Library staff are happy to help you learn about the Internet. Call 925- 7402 or visit the Adult Fiction Desk to ask about classes. WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY 1950 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC,V7V 1J8 Tel; (604) 925-7400 Library Hours: (604) 925-7401 Fax: (604) 925-5933 website: www.westvanlib.org/new/wvml.htm REFERENCE SERVICES New arrivals to the Reference Dept, are the Historical Dic- tionary of the 1960s and the Historical Dictionary of the 1970s. These compact titles cover events, ideas, entertain- ment, and personalities that make up the memory of these eras; the Cuban Missile Crisis, guns and butter. Mod Squad, and Jesse Jackson are just some notable examples in these reference books. Encyclopedia of Psychology is an 8-vol- ume set published by Oxford University Press. Unique to this particular encyclopedia is that it provides histories and discussion on the development and the practice of psychol- ogy in different regions of the world, e.g., the Arab States, Russia, China, etc. I’ve been hearing among many Canadians the apparently British/Australian catch-phrase Bob *syer uncle or And Bob *s your uncle which means “there you have it.†Its origin is obscure but seems to have developed during the 1880s in working-class, industrial Britain, conjectured to be from the Yorkshire dialect. Some suggest it arose from the question: “How did you know?â€; answer being: “1 do have an uncle Bob! ?†- supposedly meaning my uncle taught me. Another interesting possibility, and perhaps related, is that its ety- mology formed as a folk chronicle about a nepotistic, rul- ing-class event. In 1886, Arthur Balfour was appointed Chief Secretary for Ireland by his uncle Robert (Bob) Arthur Tal- bot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3"* Marquis of Salisbury, the Prime Minister. On the other hand, it might have derived during the same period from an English, low-slang phrase all is bob, meaning “all is safe.†According to some sources, this phrase eludes many Americans. Sources: Nigel Rees, Phrases & Sayings; Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of Slang & Unconventional English; Eric Partridge, A Dictionary of Catch Phrases; Mor- ris Dictionary of Word and Phrase Origins. ULT SERVICES IN THE GALLERY ... paintings in various mediums by Elizabeth Martin will continue in the gallery until July 9. “Montages†by artist Anna Milton will be on display July 10 - August 5. Anna has taught many art classes, and has an art therapy prac- tice in North Vancouver and also a studio on Bowen Island. She has exhibited widely from London to Wales to Peru and Vancouver. Reception, artist in attendance, July 10,7:30 - 8:30 p.m. Most works are for sale. Free Internet training for beginners Stop the Web, it’s time for you to get on! Want to learn how to use the Internet? Need to beef up your skills? Let a stu- dent bring you up to speed with free Internet and e-mail train- ing sessions at the West Vancouver Memorial Library. This program is part of the Youth@BC project. We have daily sessions available. To register please call 925- 7402. JULY... hot days and sultry evenings. We offer a few eclec- tic suggestions to help you enjoy these summer hours. Impressionist Picnics by Gillian Riley. Savor the outdoors as the artists did Outdoor Affairs: Picnics And Barbecues by Richard Cawley. Colour illustrations, recipes for both. g