(712.6 BER) BERRY, SUSAN The City Garden: Designing & Creating Outdoor Living Space For small spaces, balconies and rooftops specific advice is offered for design, plantings, lighting, fountains and pools. Inspirational. (745.593 OUT) Outdoor Decor: Decorative Projects For The Porch. Patio & Yard Garden ornaments and furniture. SUMMER READING... (MYSDIB) DIBDIN, MICHAEL Cosi Fan Tutti: AnAurelio Zen Mystery Great fiin and a different tack for Aurelio Zen as he is banished to Naples, attends the opera and is mistaken for the head Mafiosa. (FIC MAY) MAYLE , PETER Chasing Cezanne Sent to France to photogr^h the rich and famous Andre Kelly encounters intrigue, art forgery and culinary adventures. Mild mayhem. (658.453 GRE) GREENBERG, ALAN C. Memos From The Chairman Humorous messages from the Chairman of Bear Steams. (921.B67m) MEYERS, JEFFREY Bogart: A Life In Holly- wood The quintessential Bogart. VIDEOS... (VR 641.568 STE) Martha Stewart’s Secrets For Entertaining: An Antipasto Party (VR 690.184 SCH) Building Decks With Scott Schuttner (VR 693.5 JOH) Patios & Walkways - hosted by Dean Johnson & Robin Haiti (VR 712.6 NOR) Northwest Garden Style: A Regional Tour Of Private Gardens ‘Oh for a book and a shady nook. [John Wilson] YOU TH SERVICES 1997 SUMMER Don’t delay! Register at the Information Desk in the Youth Services Department for another summer of fun. Pick up a membership package consisting of a Reading Log, a Book- mark, a Fridge Magnet and a Calendar of Events. The Club mns from June 28 to August 30 on a drop-in basis. Report your readings to the librarians, watch for weekly special programs and get the chance to win fabulous prizes. This summer we’ll help you “GET LOST IN A BOOK.†SUMMER^ I.ost in the Time of the Dinosaurs* Tyrannosaums straight ahead! ... Go back two spaces. Make a board game and find out about the perils of the past. (Ages 64-) Registration for both dates begins Saturday, June 28. Wednesday, July 2 OR Wednesday, July 9 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Sjc >!« 3jc >;« >!« Lost in Ancient Egypt* Recreate this fascinating time through hieroglyphics, leg- ends and art. (Ages 8-e) Registration for both dates begins Saturday, July 12. Wednesday, July 16 OR Wednesday, July 23 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. sic ^ 3^ I^ost in a Fantasy* Add magic to your summer with an enchanting hand pup- pet made of felt, feathers and glitter. (Ages 64-) Registration for both dates begins Saturday, July 26. Wednesday, July 30 OR Wednesday, August 6 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. * Please register for these programs at the Youth Services Information Desk or by phoning 925-7408. 35c 3!c sic Storvtime Fun (for the whole family) Summer Schedule: Wednesdays & Fridays at 10:30 a.m. No registration necessary. JUST DROP IN and have fun! All ages! IIRRARY HOURS Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday (Oct.- May) 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. B.C. Day (Closed) Aug. 4 Friday hours changed as of July 1 due to Budget Cuts New hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.