iWtV (921 G761m) MCCANN, GRAHAM Cary Grant: A Class Apart An extraordinary gendeman. NEW VIDEOS... (VR 910.09 TIT) Titanic: Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4 (VR 004.678 BES) The Best Of The Net #1: [Netscape! NEW PERIODICALS... (PER FAM) Family Fun (PER GOO) Good Times: "lie Canadian Magazine for Successful Retirement (PER INT) International L iving (PER NEX) The Next City (PER WOO) Wood REMINDERS... â- library loans of six weeks may be requested on books which normally circulate for 28 days; â- library HOME SERVICE is available for the homebound who need book delivery...librar> materials of all kinds may be borrowed and specific titles nay be requested; â- for the visually, perceptually or physically disabled TAPED BOOKS are available by having an eligibility form signed by your doctor, nurse or therapist; â- the library BOOKMOBILE provides homebound service at Beacon Hill, Inglewood and Xiwanis Lodges, West Van Care Centre and Hollybum House. For more information call 925-7402 for Home Service and 925-7437 for Taped Book Sei\'ice. “And on the pure horizon far, See, pulsing with the first born star. The liquid sly above the hill! The evening comes, the fields are still. †[Matthew Arnold] YOU T 11 S E It V 1 C E S Tales for Twos (2 year olds) Must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. A half hour of stories, songs, puppets and more. The current sessions will be the last for the summer. Registration dates for the Fall sessions will be posted in August. Please register at the Youth Services Information Desk or by phoning 925-7408. Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Until June 10 OR Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. Until June 12 "k ^ 'k ~k Story time Fun (3-5 year olds) Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. OR Fridays, 10:30 a.m. No registration necessary. JUST DROP IN and have fun! COMMUNITY DAY Cheer us on in the parade! Join us after in the Rec Centre for storytime festivities and a PUPPET SHOW. Saturday, June 7 Maple Room West Vancouver Recreation Centre 12:30 p.m. or 1:30 p.m. â- k 'k k k SUMMER READING CLUB 1997 “LOST IN A BOOK†Map out a summer of reading fun with exciting trips into time, space and mystery as the West Vancouver Memorial Library launches its annual SUMMER READING CLUB. The Club will run from June 28 to August 30 on a drop-in basis. Members will receive a package including a Book- mark and a Reading Log to record the books they read. Special programs and weekly draws will add excitement. Sign up starts Monday, June 16 at the Information Desk in the Youth Services Department. For more information, please call 925-7408. k k k k k NEWS FLASH ! What do Bill Nve The Science Guv. Africa Trail and Winnie The Pooh And The Honev Tree have in common? They are on CD-ROM! Largely due to a generous donation by the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and some additional funding from the Friends of the Library, the Youth Services Department has a collection of CD-ROMs available for one week loan periods. Thank you CIBC & the Friends! LIBRARY HOURS Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday (Oct.- May) 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Friday hours will change as of July 1 new hours: 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.