? How do I get a time for tours of the Parliament Building 3re do I pay my rural property taxes? Is there a provincial ised goods? Where can I go to get a vaccination? Can 11 3f available Crown Lands? Who is the Minister of Health? e someone who can help me in a dispute with my landlord D can I speak to about getting a student loan? Is there prc assistance for small businesses? Where can I register mipany? How do 1 apply for welfare? I'd like some informat ve land claims in B.C.? Where can i get a fishing licence? e m: son ffRe prwincer nave*a rnailing aBwesCTor th ^stlMPROVING ACCESS TO GOVERNWENTon licide use? What is the property tax rate in B.C.? Can 1 h >mpany name over the phone? Who can help me get a cc of my basement? What is the minimum wage in B.C.? Wl ! get a map of the province? Is there a list of B.C. manuh Is there someone who can give advice regarding handlir ts? Where can I get a list of B.C. municipalities? Where c advice on nutrition? Where can I go to renew my driver's 1 ce'’ I need the number for provincial court in Vancouver? e a government agent's office in Atlin, B.C.? Who is my ^ /on have information on universities and colleges in the pr Where can I get AIDS information? Where can I get in on road conditions ^ Where can 1 get a copy of the Newci de'? I received a cheque from the government but! don't it it's for? Where can * take the CORE course? Can I hav iber lor the opposition caucus? How can I register to vote t provincial election? How can 1 apply for a job with the Mi ocia! Services? Does British Columbia have a trade reprc tative in Great Britain? Does Medical Services Plan have ling address? Where can I get a daycare licence? Where a birth certificate? I'd like some information on extended ( ities in 8.C.? Can 1 give my car to a friend without paying you have an address for the Social Services office in Kam IS everyone have to have business licence? Who can 1 cc nformatfcn on loan guarantees for small businesses? Is t! I a! Services office dose to where I live? Where can i go t driver's exam? Can I get a provincial information package elementary school class? Where can I get a copy of my h oof transcript? Who can give me information on tourist att s in Vancouver? Do you have a number for B.C. Hydro? 3re can f get information on foster parenting? Can you tel :h riding I'm in? I’d like to know who my Member of the L< Assembly is? Is there provincial sales tax on all real esta ? Will the Medical Services Plan cover the cost of my pn drugs? Who can I talk to about illegal dumping in the rive Ministry of Government Services