HOLIDAY READING ..... BRAYFIELD, Celia The Prince (FIC BRA) By the author of "Pearls", this could be a perfect vacation read. Royalty, intrigue. Fleet Street machinations and conflicts of the heart. Great escape! MOORE, Brian Lies of Silence (FIC MOO) Considered Brian Moore's best boo)c to date. Intense suspense is created when an ordinary man on the brinJc of happiness and a reasonable life is suddenly faced with decisions of extreme moral complexity. COLEMAN, Rona (745.92 COL) The Encyclopedia of Flower Arranging; Decorating with Fresh and Dried Flowers An inspiring book for beginners or professionals with stunning illustrations. Guides and suggestions for the care and arrangement of garden and wild flowers from the moment of gathering to the art of drying or the pleasure of beautifying your home. BOWMAN, John S. (796.357 BOW) The Pictorial History of Baseball From the nineteenth century to the present, this wonderful history of a fascinating sport chronicles with anecdotes, statistics and photographs the characters. Hall of Famers, World Series contests, rivalries and spectacular accomplishments of players of CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT The Biggest Greatest Most Amazing Summer Reading Club!! Register for this year's Summer Reading Club and pick up the package, after June 15th. MELANIE RAY, the world's greatest storyteller, kicks off the Summer Reading Club at 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 5th. Come and listen to Melanie spin her magical tales. ******** Community Day Parade and Pu{^>et Shows Saturday, June 2nd Watch for librarians and staff from the Children's Department in the Parade. Then, bring your 3-7 year olds to the Recreation Centre for free puppet shows: The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and The 3 Little Pigs: Show times: 1:15 p.m., 2:15 p.m., 3:15 p.m. ******** Middle Bear Storytime Stories, action games and film strips and lots of fun for 3 year olds. No registration necessary. Drop in! Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. Big Bear Storytime Fun-filled storytimes for 4-6 year olds. Participation stories, action games and film strips. Fridays at 10:30 a.m. LIBRARY HOURS - 1990 Monday to Friday 10 a.m. Saturday 10 a.m. Sundays (Oct,-June) 1 p.m. 9 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p. in. JUNE LIBRARY NEWS Expansion plans take shape The Board and staff of the Memorial Library are delighted with the recent offer of Mr. Richard Hulbert, an internationally recognized architect and West Vancouver resident, to donate his services to create preliminary drawings for the library's expansion. This generous offer, approved by Municipal Council last month, has enabled the Board to initiate the detailed process of moving from the space needs assessment completed three years ago towards the concept design/working drawing/construction phases. It has provided a real boost to the present fund raising effort to finance the expansion and undoubtedly has moved forward the date when we can bring back the thousands of books in off-site storage and offer West Vancouver residents a first rate library service once more. We'll have more to say in coming months about Mr. Hulbert's contribution - which duplicates a similar act of generosity by another West Vancouver architect, Mr. R.A.D. Berwick, in launching the original building in 1950. In the meantime, the fund raising campaign continues apace. Contributions from all sources, including the matching of public donations agreed to by Municipal Council, now stand at close to $3.4 million, or more than 70% of the goal. Many verbal pledges remain to be collected and we're aware that WEST VANCOUVER MEMORIAL LIBRARY Sft 1950 Marine Drive ^ West Vancouver B.C. V7V 1J8 ' (604) 926 3291